Greenway Minutes 2009 |
- Jan.14
- Feb.11
- Mar. 11
- May.13
- Jun.12
- Aug.25
- Oct.14
- Nov.11
- Dec. 09
I. Miami River Greenway Governance - Dr. Martin provided a brief history of the Miami River Greenway and noted the GSC continues to address means to provide the frequent maintenance, security and special events/marketing necessary for the long term success of the publicly accessible greenway system. MRC Vice Chair Phil Everingham noted now that the Miami River maintenance dredging project is completed, he considered finishing the Miami River Greenway as the MRC’s next priority project. MRC Vice Chair Everingham asked if The Trust for Public Land (TPL) remains involved with the Miami River Greenway, and GSC Chair Martin replied that following the departure of Ms. Lavinia Freeman and due to the recent economic downturn, TPL has changed its focus to revenue-producing projects. MRC Vice Chair Everingham asked if the City of Miami is involved with the Miami River Greenway, and GSC Chair Martin replied that the City remains committed to maintaining their portions of the greenway and he and MRC staff continue to meet with Assistant City Manager Bill Anido and senior city administration on a quarterly basis to discuss/address greenway-related issues (i.e. monitor public and private sector role), and the City will be scheduling the next quarterly Miami River Greenway meeting in February.
Mr. Bibeau welcomed and thanked Mr. Javier Betancourt, Miami Downtown Development Authority Manager of Urban Planning & Transportation, and the new MRC designee for Ms. Alyce Robertson, Executive Director of the Miami DDA. Mr. Bibeau noted per Mr. Betancourt’s request he had recently joined him on a bike ride along the Miami River Greenway sections located in the DDA boundary. Mr. Betancourt stated he photographed missing greenway links and additional “problem” areas. Mr. Bibeau noted the DDA had scheduled a meeting with Asst. Manager Anido, City Public Works, Planning, and Law Departments on Thursday, January 22. Mr. Betancourt noted being new to the DDA he had scheduled this meeting with the City of Miami to address missing links along the greenway and enforcing completion of the Miami River Greenway.
- Urban Design Standards: Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami / Kimley Horn & Associates “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards” are referenced in the final draft Miami 21, which is expected to be presented to the City Commission on January 29 at first reading. Mr. Bibeau noted the current and future design standards and guidelines both support the concept that riverwalks should have signs indicating “public shore” to help designate riverwalks and on-road greenways as public areas, yet no such signage exists on any current publicly accessible sections of the Miami River Greenway. GSC Chair Martin suggested correcting existing inaccurate directional signage as well. Mr. Betancourt stated the DDA is in the process of launching a sign/way-finding signage Request for Proposals (RFP) within the DDA boundary, and would coordinate that effort to help improve existing greenway signs and address any gaps.
- Public Sector Maintenance: Mr. Bibeau noted a new section of on-road greenway had been created along the river’s south shore, from José Martí Park heading south along SW 3rd Avenue, and then turning east on SW 6th Street to 2nd Avenue. Mr. Bibeau noted this section had not been maintained for quite some time, and had therefore brought this section to the attention of City of Miami Public Works Director Stephanie Grindell. Mr. Bibeau added Public Works has agreed to insert this new section in its greenway maintenance schedule. Mr. Bibeau noted he had formerly requested a copy of the maintenance schedule from Public Works staff in order to better coordinate future MRC volunteer beautification events, but had yet to receive a copy. Mr. Bibeau added he would again request the schedule at the next Greenway quarterly meeting, in order to provide volunteers to the areas which haven’t been worked on by public works for some time, rather than an area Public Works had recently worked in. Mr. Bibeau added the MRC is unaware of how often Public Works maintains the various sections of City owned Miami River Greenway located on public rights of way along City owned North and South River Drives.
- Private Sector Maintenance: Mr. Bibeau noted that-judging by his recent bike tour with Mr. Betancourt-maintenance of public greenway sections owned by the private sector are “looking good,” and Mr. Betancourt concurred.
- Public Safety/Code Enforcement: Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami Herald had reported over the Holidays that tragically a homeless man was murdered along the Riverwalk in front of the Riverpark Hotel. In addition, the Miami Herald reported another homeless man had unfortunately fallen ill on the on-road greenway on North River Drive near 1st Street, where massive unpermitted homeless feedings out of cars has been occurring every Sat and Sun afternoon, and he was taken to the hospital and later died. The Miami Herald further reported a third man was regrettably found dead floating in the river near the 12 Ave Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted this rash of unfortunate incidents, which occurred towards the end of 2008, had attracted negative press coverage-on both TV and print. GSC Chair Martin noted Bicentennial Park had experienced similar incidents when it first opened, yet it never fully recovered from its negative image. Mr. Bibeau noted the manager of the riverside restaurant Bijan’s had recently indicated that police presence has increased following these incidents. Mr. Betancourt asked if any consideration had been given to installing emergency phones along the greenway, and GSC Chair Martin replied that a variety of security alternatives (i.e. hiring park rangers such as in Chattanooga), and an increase in police officers along the Miami River Greenway riding bicycles should be revisited with Police Chief Timoney, due to the recent rash of tragic events. Mr. Betancourt noted the emergency phones, which have an automatic dial-in to 9-1-1, could perhaps generate revenue by providing space in its panels for advertising. Mr. Bibeau noted that at one point, the possibility of installing a camera system in downtown had been proposed by the City Police Department, which would be operated by police and utilized by business owners for a fee. Mr. Betancourt noted he recalled reading about this concept, but believed they would be installed along Flagler Street, Coconut Grove and the Performing Arts Center. Mr. Bibeau noted there are FDOT cameras installed beneath every bridge along the river, and discussed the possibility of linking this feed into police headquarters as well. Mr. Betancourt noted this may violate privacy rights, as it is different from a typical camera system.
- Marketing and Promotion: GSC Chair Martin discussed the need to obtain access to the greenway’s kiosks, which were installed by the City of Miami at four locations, to advise the public of upcoming river-related events (i.e. annual Riverday festival). GSC Chair Martin noted the city should implement a process to allow neighborhood organizations to display posters/bulletin boards in the kiosks. Mr. Bibeau noted Public Works has the keys to these kiosks and controls their use. Vice Chair Everingham recommended the MRC should be given a key to the Kiosks as well. Mr. Bibeau noted the kiosks currently feature information regarding the city’s tree planting efforts, and the City has granted MRC permission to display Riverday posters since the Kiosks were installed, and would again ask to display posters for the 13th Annual Miami Riverday on April 4, starting in March. Mr. Betancourt suggested including a map of the Miami River Greenway as a permanent fixture in a portion of the kiosk. Mr. Betancourt noted he would take up this issue at the upcoming DDA meeting with the City.
Mr. Bibeau distributed a press release for the “Bike Miami Days” block party and mini-rally on Thursday, January 15, 9 am, Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive to kick off the 3rd “Bike Miami Days Event.” Mr. Bibeau distributed an informational flier and map/directions for the upcoming “Bike Miami Days” event, which will be held on Sunday, January 18, 9 am to 3 pm. Mr. Bibeau thanked the City of Miami for the Bike Miami event, launched under the leadership of Honorable Mayor Manny Diaz, City Commission, Miami Police Bike Unit and Mounted Patrol and in partnership with the DDA and additional community groups, will include a portion of the Miami River Greenway at Lummus Landing (North River Drive, from NW 1st Street to NW 4th Street) in its bike path in order to showcase the historic Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted Lummus Landing will be the site for numerous activities throughout the day, such as a public rally at 10:30 am and a free yoga class at 11 am, etc. Mr. Bibeau noted the City cordially invited the MRC to participate in both events, and has offered the MRC a booth at Lummus Landing, free of charge, which MRC staff has agreed to attend and provide information, free River Maps, annual Reports, display adopted plans, answer questions, etc. Mr. Bibeau noted the 13th annual Miami Riverday Festival will be held on Saturday, April 4, 11 am to 4 pm at José Martí Park, SW 4th Street and SW 4th Avenue. Mr. Bibeau noted sponsorship opportunities are available until February 16. Vice Chair Everingham asked if consideration had been given to bringing Riverday back to its original location for the first few years, Lummus Park. Mr. Bibeau noted the upland portion of Lummus Park is currently closed for renovations, yet hoped to move Riverday back to this former location next year in order to highlight the Park’s 1844 Fort Dallas, 1856 Wagner Homestead, etc.
- Volunteer Coordination: Mr. Bibeau noted the next volunteer event is scheduled for this Saturday, January 17, 2009, 9 am to noon, at Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street. Mr. Bibeau stated volunteers from the Florida International University, AARP and Service for Peace will help remove litter and debris from the shoreline adjacent to the Riverwalk, in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service. Mr. Bibeau noted the University of Miami has requested to partner with the MRC on another volunteer event along the Miami River Greenway on Saturday, April 25, at a yet-to-be determined site.
- Signage: Mr. Bibeau noted Public Works agreed to replace the graffiti covered way-finding sign, not made of porcelain enamel, on the northwest corner of José Martí Park. Mr. Bibeau suggested graffiti may easily be removed with a chemical from porcelain enamel signs, and noted the city should therefore consider installing more porcelain enamel signs in the future in order to avoid having to replace signs in their entirety. Currently the 8 Miami River Greenway historic markers are the only signs made with the porcelain enamel, and graffiti was removed using a chemical from two of the porcelain markers, therefore avoiding having to replace them.
Mr. Betancourt noted the Thursday, January 15 City Commission meeting agenda includes the following items of interest
- Mr. Jerome Hollo donation of a parcel of land on 1201 Brickell Key Drive to the City of Miami-on a temporary basis-for use as a public park in exchange for a four-year extension of a Major Use Special Permit. Mr. Betancourt noted this lease agreement could serve as a model for creating temporary pubic parks along the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted he had touched base with Mr. Steve Wright, Chief Policy Director for Chairman Joe Sanchez, in regards to creating a temporary green space at the former Miami News Building site-now a proposed development, known as Rio Miami-until the site is developed. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Wright had requested him to reach out to the developers of this site to see if they would be willing to meet with Chairman Sanchez to discuss this possibility. In addition, Mr. Bibeau noted Commissioner Marc Sarnoff has been in touch with Millennium Partners, whom have recently proposed a mixed-use development on the river’s south shore, between the South Miami Avenue Bridge and the MetroMover, to see if they would be interested in donating a portion of their property for use as a public green space until the proposed project is ready to commence construction. Mr. Bibeau noted that, as part of the referenced drafted agreement, the City provides the waiver of liability and the maintenance of the site, and the property owner offers the land free of charge on a temporary basis.
- City is considering adoption of the five-year Capital Improvement Plan, which Mr. Betancourt noted includes numerous greenway related items (i.e. construction of greenway sections). Mr. Bibeau referenced Agenda Item II of last month’s GSC meeting minutes, in which Mr. Jose R. Gonzalez, City of Miami Assistant Transportation Coordinator, provided an update on the five available FDOT grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway.
II. New Development
A. Public Sector- Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Jose Gonzalez had reported at last month’s GSC meeting that the City had identified $1 million in available FDOT funding to potentially construct additional greenway segments along the Miami River, and requested input from the MRC-in its advisory capacity-on suggested areas to utilize this funding between the grant awards limitations of I-95 to 12 Ave. On January 5, the MRC passed a resolution to utilize the $1 million FDOT grant for the Lummus Park Riverwalk and the South Shore from intersection of South River Drive and NW 7 ST to 12 Ave. Mr. Bibeau noted there was an amendment made to the resolution-per the request of MRC designee Robert Ruano- to have the MRC review any remaining gaps/riverwalk connections to ensure they are fully funded. Upon review of the greenway map and funded sections, Mr. Bibeau stated although not in the awarded grant’s eligible area of I-95 – NW 12 Ave, he had identified a possible gap on the river’s south shore and referred to the south shore from S. Miami Ave to Brickell Ave on the Miami River Greenway Aerial/Map, which has the following parcels, owners and issues:
- Private parcel owned by Millennium Partners from the South Miami Avenue Bridge to the MetroMover – plans include a publicly accessible riverwalk, District Commissioner Sarnoff communicating with owners.
- On-road section at the site along City owned SE 5th Street, which he noted was utilized as a construction staging site, has a no sidewalks and a massive pothole (picture provided), which the District Commissioner Sarnoff had been communicating with the administration to repair
- Parcel owned by Miami-Dade County beneath the MetroMover, which the county has obtained funding for and will be improving existing riverwalk in the near future
- Brickell on the River has publicly accessible riverwalk
- One block from east side of Brickell on the River to Brickell Ave (pictures provided) – 2 privately owned older buildings, RiverwalkPlaza has 2 story parking garage with no waterfront setback or sideyard setback next to Brickell Bridge – 2nd private parcel office building has sufficient setback but a paved area with fences blocking access on both sides is currently in the waterfront setback area. Therefore concept of on-road Greenway on SE 5 ST for this block to get around existing private obstructions, yet road recently rebuilt with new sidewalks on south side omitting on-road greenway specifications and guidelines. North side of SE 5 ST at Riverwalk Plaza has areas with no setback between sidewalk and parking structure. Two small areas, on the 2nd private office building to the west, has estimated 15’ where there is some room for Miami River Greenway specification and guideline benches, trash receptacle, way finding signage, and landscaping maybe installed, subject to funding. Mr. Bibeau noted this area is not within the eligible boundary of 12 Ave to I-95 under the City’s currently available FDOT grant discussed at the last MRC meeting.
- Bibeau stated the City is also seeking federal funding for this area from the potential economic stimulus package
Bibeau noted several funding opportunities are available to the City of Miami in order to construct additional greenway sections:
- FDOT TIP $1 million grant application in March 2009 – GSC Chair Martin recommended City apply
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Greenways & Trails, Recreational Trails Program, $250,000; deadline March 2009
GSC Chair Martin suggested the MRC encourage the City to apply to the aforementioned grant opportunities to fund further construction of the Miami River Greenway system generally from east to west.
MDC $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item to construct publicly accessible riverwalk on 6 County owned riverfront parcels – Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County has hired Kimley Horn & Associates to create engineering documents for the six riverfront parcels requiring riverwalks, owned by the County. Mr. Bibeau noted he was invited to speak on Jan. 10, as Chairman of the MPO’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Rickenbacker Bike Improvement project. Mr. Bibeau stated he found an opportunity at the event to thank Manager Burgess, Assistant Manager Munoz and County Commissioner Carlos Gimenez for hiring Kimley Horn and respectfully recommended that the process of hiring a firm to build the completed engineering documents be expedited. Mr. Bibeau noted they had indicated the County has an “expedite package”, in part to stimulate the economy, which maybe amended to include the Miami River Greenway.
Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the “United States Conference of Mayors Mainstreet Economic Recovery Survey”, and thanked the Honorable Mayor Diaz and City of Miami for including the following line items pertaining to the Miami River Greenway submitted to seek federal funding through the economic stimulus package being proposed to Congress by President Elect Obama:
- CDBG: North Spring Garden Greenway Improvements, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $4,376,710
- CDBG Citywide ADA Improvements; $100,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway-NW 5th Street Bridge Approach, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $844,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway-NW 5th Street Bridge Extension, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $844,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway-SE 5th Street Extension, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $844,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway-Miami Circle Greenway, Miami River Greenway Improvements; $1,320,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway 2nd Avenue/Miami Avenue Riverwalk Extension, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $1,483,900
- Streets/Roads: NW 2nd Avenue Road Improvements, Drainage and Road Improvements; $1,450,000
- Streets/Roads: Citywide Sidewalk and ADA Ramp installation and repair; $3,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway-NW 5th Street Bridge Extension, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $2,077,280
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway East Little Havana, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $3,808,200
- Streets/Roads: Citywide Roadway Resurfacing/Repair and Swale Improvement, Road Improvements; $4,000,000
- Streets/Roads: North Spring Garden Greenway Improvements, Miami River Greenway Road and Drainage Improvements; $4,130,710
- Streets/Roads: Citywide Bicycle Facilities; $8,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Miami River Greenway Extension (west of NW 12th Avenue); $15,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Overtown Greenway Phase II; $20,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Overtown Greenway Phase II; $30,000,000
- Streets/Roads: Citywide Street Resurfacing –mill and resurface all city streets; $175,000,000
GSC Chair Martin suggested that the MRC continue to prioritize generally constructing greenway sections, from east to west.
B. Private Sector: GSC Attendees noted a lot of Miami River developers that had previously pledged to construct and maintain publicly accessible riverwalks at their sites are on the verge of receiving their Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO), such as Terrazas River Park Village, River Oaks Marina and Condominium, Icon, Epic, Wind, Ivy, Mint, etc. Therefore GSC Chairman Martin recommended the City and MRC confirm the riverwalk dimensions approved by the City Commission have been constructed, and that the Condo Documents note the fact that these future respective condominium associations will be responsible to maintain their publicly accessible riverwalk sections.
III. Special Projects
- Miami Circle: Mr. Bibeau distributed photos taken during his recent bike tour of the Miami Circle’s current litter filled shoreline with evidence that the temporary shoreline stabilization rocks are falling into the River’s federal navigable channel. Mr. Betancourt noted the DDA’s Urban Design Committee is meeting tomorrow, 2:30 pm, to discuss a proposed resolution urging the State to spend the allocated $2.2 million for the replacement of the Miami Circle collapsed seawall ($1.8 million) and the construction of a publicly accessible riverwalk ($400,000). Mr. Bibeau noted the State had informed the MRC in a recent letter of its intention to hire a firm to draft the 4th Master Plan for the site. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC appreciates DDA’s involvement and support with this issue. Mr. Betancourt and Mr. Bibeau noted it was important for the 2 adjacent ST owned “Miami Circle” parcels, one managed by FDOT beneath and east of the Brickell Bridge, and the second managed by the Department of State.
- Merrill-Stevens: Merrill-Stevens is hosting an upcoming FL Leg. Senate hearing, and are moving forward with their plans.
- Downtown: Mr. Richard Schuchts, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce (GMCC), noted the “Good Morning Miami” program on February 11, 2009, 7:45-9:30 will be on the draft Downtown Master Plan. Mr. Schuchts noted the discussions will include promoting the riverwalks completion, maintenance, security, special events and security, and cordially invited the MRC to participate. Mr. Schuchts added the DDA will conduct a workshop later that afternoon, 3-7 pm, to review the draft downtown master plan, which recommends finishing the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Schuchts noted sponsorship opportunities for the GMCC’s Good Maronin Miami program regarding the draft Downtown Master Plan are available, starting at $500. MRC Vice Chair Everingham and GSC Chair Martin stated they support and recommend the MRC’s sponsorship of this event, and Mr. Bibeau suggested bringing this item up for discussion at the upcoming February 2 Executive Board meeting. Mr. Bibeau kindly asked Mr. Schuchts to provide him with additional information about the event so that he may forward it to the Executive Board prior to their February 2 meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC remains willing and able to provide the oversight and volunteer coordination needed to help maintain the Miami River Greenway.
- Fern Isle/Sewell/Curtis-Miami’s Central Park: Mr. Bibeau thanked Mayor Diaz for including
“Site Improvements for Fern Isle Park Expansion, $10,000,000” in the submitted federal economic stimulus request package. Asphalt paths in Sewell Park need to be repaired.
IV. New Business
- MRC Vice Chair Phil Everingham asked for the status of the City of Miami’s Adopt-A-Waterway program, and Mr. Bibeau replied that City Commissioners had renewed their agreement with Adopt-A-Waterway, LLC-now known as EcoMedia-in which private sponsors contribute money and environmental signage is erected in their honor containing environmental messages. Mr. Bibeau noted that 50% of the proceeds (estimated at $250,000 per year) would be donated to the City of Miami for environmental projects. Mr. Bibeau noted a Comcast sign with an environmental message was recently erected on the Miami River at the 2nd Avenue Bridge.
- Mr. Bibeau referred to an email from a Miami River property owner indicating that no progress is being made along the Miami River Greenway in the lower river, and asked the GSC attendees for guidance on how to proceed. Mr. Bibeau stated he had offered to meet with the resident to address any concerns, but the resident hasn’t schedule the meeting yet. The GSC agreed to continue working with its local partners to implement the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. GSC Chair Martin suggested that the MRC begin strengthening its bond with Miami River Condo Associations.
- Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the recently released MRC 2008 Annual Report
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. The GSC made self-introductions.
The GSC’s December 10, 2008 meeting minutes, distributed one week prior to the week, were adopted. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed. |
I. Miami River Greenway Governance –- Dr. Martin provided a brief history of the Miami River Greenway and noted the GSC continues to address means to provide the frequent maintenance, security and special events/marketing necessary for the long term success of the publicly accessible greenway system, as well as monitor both public and private greenway development, coordinate volunteer events and address signage.
- Urban Design Standards: Dr. Martin noted the City of Miami / Kimley Horn & Associates “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards” are referenced in the final draft Miami 21.
- Public Sector Maintenance: Mr. Bibeau reported the following issues along the Miami River Greenway on the river’s south shore on SW 6 Street Greenway: no trees on south side of street, small plants overgrown with weeds, burnt trash can melted on the greenway and Latin Kings gang graffiti on Greenway. Mr. Badia noted the City has requested a walk-thru of this area with the construction manager.
- Marketing and Promotion: GSC Chair Martin discussed the need to obtain access to the greenway’s kiosks, which were installed by the City of Miami at four locations, to advise the public of upcoming river-related events (i.e. annual Riverday festival). Mr. Bibeau noted Public Works has the keys to these kiosks and controls their use. Dr. Martin noted the kiosks currently feature information regarding the city’s tree planting efforts, and suggested that MRC staff contact the City to request that they display posters for the 13th Annual Miami Riverday, which will be held on April 4.
II. New Development
A. Public Sector- Mr. Bibeau welcomed Ms. Teresita Alvarez, The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, whom provided an update of the following FDOT funded Miami River Greenway sections with “LAP” agreements.
1. Development of Miami River Greenway beneath and adjacent to the NW 5th Street Bridge - Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT had provided an update of the NW 5th Street Bridge Replacement Project earlier this morning to the Urban Infill Working Group. Mr. Bibeau noted that in August 2005 a Congressional appropriation bill (H3550) included:
- “Line item 1089, $1,600,000, “Construction and Design of Miami River Greenway Road Improvements and 5 ST Improvements”
- “Line item 3917, $1,000,000, “City of Miami Greenway Roadway, Construction and design of Miami River Greenway Road Improvements and 5 ST Improvements”
Miami River Commission July 10, 2006 meeting minutes under agenda item, “II. Presentation of NW 5 ST Bridge Replacement” states, “Mr. Barrera noted creating a publicly accessible riverwalk area with decorative lighting is a component of the NW 5 ST Bridge replacement, utilizing the recent $2.6 million congressional line items for that purpose…Mr. Sileno, Hanover &Hardesty, described the north east shore’s publicly accessibly riverwalk would proceed as an on-road greenway heading south along NW 7 Ave from the Seybold Canal Bridge, turn south east beneath the new NW 5 ST Bridge behind the bascule structures and proceed east along the river’s north shore, reconnecting with the new on-road greenway along North River Drive. Mr. Sileno explained the south-west shore’s publicly accessible greenway will proceed north-west as an on-road greenway along South River Drive, turn north-east parallel to the south east side of the new NW 5 ST Bridge, proceed north beneath the bridge behind the bascule spans and then dead end into the Clear Channel property with several billboards. Chair Bagué inquired instead of dead-ending, could the Greenway continue parallel with the bridge’s north-west side in order to re-connect with the on-road Greenway proceeding west along North River Drive. Mr. Barrera stated the FDOT would look into the possibility and any potential impacts to the right of way. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), recommended when the item was presented to the subcommittee, that the MRC, in partnership with FDOT, TPL and the City of Miami, write Clear Channel a letter regarding beautifying their riverfront site and allowing the publicly accessible Greenway to proceed through the site, located on the north west side of the NW 5 ST Bridge, in order to provide connectivity for the section planned to be constructed by FDOT with the NW 5 ST Bridge replacement.”
Mr. Bibeau explained during today’s MRC UIWG meeting FDOT indicated the previously presented riverwalk path on the downtown side remains the same and proceeds beneath the bridge, yet the presented path on the Little Havana side has changed because there is insufficient public right-of-way available to access the planned and funded publicly accessible riverwalk section proceeding beneath the bridge in order for the pedestrians and bikes to avoid crossing / conflicts with vehicular traffic. Mr. Bibeau respectfully requested Ms. Alvarez to review where the private property ends and where the public right-of-way begins on the Little Havana side adjacent to and beneath the NW 5th Street Bridge, and Ms. Alvarez replied she would provide MRC staff with a copy of FDOT’s public right-of-way maps.
Mr. Bibeau asked for clarification regarding FDOT’s available funding for the Miami River Greenway adjacent and beneath the NW 5th Street Bridge. Ms. Alvarez explained the NW 5th Street Bridge is being constructed with state funds. Ms. Alvarez noted FDOT had originally tried to incorporate the greenway in the project’s design phase, yet decided not to since federal funds were being utilized to construct the greenway which require more federal processes. Ms. Alvarez explained that mixing the greenway’s federal funds with the bridge’s state funds would have “federalized” the project and complicated the construction timeline. Ms. Alvarez noted the aforementioned $2.6 million has been programmed as Local Agency Program (LAP) Projects, in which federal, earmarked funds are transferred to the local agencies-in this case, the City of Miami. Ms. Alvarez noted nearly $1.8 million (under FM 420907 “Miami River Greenway 5th Street: Miami River between I-95 to NW 12th Avenue”) for construction is currently programmed as a LAP project, and will be transferred to the City. Ms. Alvarez noted an additional LAP for nearly $876,000 (under FM 420915 “Miami River Greenway: South River Drive-NW 7th Avenue to NW 7th Street) will also be transferred to the City. Ms. Alvarez explained a total of nearly $2.7 million (programmed for Fiscal Year 2011) will be transferred to the City, around the same time as the anticipated completion of the NW 5th Street Bridge Replacement Project. Ms. Alvarez indicated the aforementioned money will become available to the City once a LAP agreement is submitted for the design phase, and then a separate LAP agreement for the construction phases which would include specs and plans. Ms. Alvarez noted the City can not apply for the construction funds until the design plans are reviewed by FDOT, and all permits, environmental clearance and public right-of-way clearance are obtained which take 6 months from submittal by the City. Once this information has been approved by Federal Highways, Ms. Alvarez indicated FDOT would issue a Notice to Proceed for construction. Mr. Badia stated he felt confident the 2011 timeline would be met and noted the City is funding the design therefore only one LAP agreement and all aforementioned funds would be used for construction.
2) North Spring Garden Greenway Project (B40643A)- Ms. Alvarez asked Mr. Bibeau to forward her information regarding the North Spring Garden Greenway Project, and Mr. Badia replied he would gladly reply the FM number for this project, which is also known as the “East Allapatah Greenway.” Mr. Bibeau noted he wrote the grant application which resulted in this $1 million grant award to the City of Miami. Mr. Badia reported the LAP agreement for the design phase was completed and submitted to FDOT in December, and the City is awaiting approval from FDOT. Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT approval usually takes six months, and asked if there was any way to expedite this process considering the project will also fix the 20-year-old flooding problem on this section of North River Drive, and Ms. Alvarez replied she would forward this request to Mr. Danny Iglesias, FDOT LAP Administrator, yet probably not. Mr. Badia stated this project is included in the City’s “expedited list,” and therefore does not require City Commission approval to hire a contractor to build it once the plans are approved by FDOT. Mr. Badia stated the project will go through a bid process, a contractor will be selected by June, and construction will hopefully commence in July.
3) Riverwalk at 5th Street Bridge a.k.a 5th Street Bridge Extension- Mr. Bibeau traced the proposed path on Mr. Badia’s Miami River Greenway aerial, noting that the portion on the south shore is supposed to run along the road and cut parallel to the east side of the bridge and beneath it, before cutting back onto the western portion to connect to the on-road greenway on South River Drive and then continuing along South River Drive to NW 7 ST. Mr. Bibeau added he continues to touch base with Kiewit and FDOT, to include the aforementioned segment of the funded riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia for the status of this segment, and Mr. Badia replied the City is currently scoping out this area with their hired engineer. Mr. Badia explained construction documents must be completed and submitted to FDOT by December 2010 in order to commence construction in 2011.
4) Riverwalk I-95 to NW 12th Avenue - Mr. Badia stated there seemed to be some confusion regarding this $2 million segment. Mr. Bibeau proposed utilizing the $876,000 for the 5th Street Bridge project and utilizing the remaining $1.8 million to construct a publicly accessible riverwalk at Lummus Landing and at the south shore from the intersection of South River Drive / NW 7 ST to 12 Ave. Mr. Badia stated the City is expecting to receive a final scope of the area from their hired engineers between 5th Street and 12th Avenue this week.
5) South Miami Avenue Bridge to Metrorail on the South Shore- Mr. Badia stated the City’s hired engineer is currently scoping out this area. Mr. Badia estimated the City will submit complete construction documents (LAP) to FDOT in 2010, then FDOT will have 6 months for FDOT to approve the construction documents and development estimated to commence in 2011.
6) East Little Havana Greenways (Segment D - B40690) $1 million – South River Drive on Road Greenway from NW 1 ST to NW 5 St Bridge – City hired construction engineer
For the sections in which the City is commencing design, Mr. Bibeau asked if the construction engineering documents may include screens over the stromwater inlets to keep litter from entering the system and River, using more of the larger Schefflera Trinettes along the on-road greenway instead of the smaller plants used in the past which haven’t grown and overcome by weeds and litter. Mr. Bibeau noted graffiti may easily be removed with a chemical cleaner from porcelain enamel signs, and noted the city should therefore consider installing more porcelain enamel signs in the future in order to avoid having to replace signs in their entirety when graffiti. Currently the eight Miami River Greenway historic markers are the only signs made with the porcelain enamel, and graffiti was removed using a chemical from two of the porcelain markers, therefore avoiding having to replace them.
MDC $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item to construct publicly accessible riverwalk on 6 County owned riverfront parcels – Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County has hired Kimley Horn & Associates (at $510,358.84) to create engineering documents for the six riverfront parcels requiring riverwalks, owned by the County Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Highway Division, confirmed that Kimley Horn & Associates are including construction of a seawall and riverwalk beneath the MetroRail in their scope. Mr. Bibeau distributed an email from Ms. Moorey that includes the typical sections developed for the subject project and a map location with numbering for each site. Mr. Bibeau added he was in the process of scheduling site visits with KHA and Ms. Moorey to review these segments and preliminary schematics.
Bibeau noted several funding opportunities are available to the City of Miami in order to construct additional greenway sections:
- Florida Department of Community Affairs’ Division of Community Planning grant for their Florida Boating Improvement Program; eligible uses of program funds include docks such as finishing the dock / boardwalk in Lummus Park
- Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. T. Spencer Crowley, the Miami-Dade Commissioner for the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND), is supportive of completing the Miami River Greenway and Bibeau recommended the City, County and MPO, all eligible applicants, apply to FIND grants to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway and or riverfront land acquisition for public purposes increasing the publicly accessible riverwalk – Bibeau noted quickly upcoming grant application deadline
- Florida Communities Trust, which was essential to the expansion of Fern Isle Park via purchasing the Police Benevolent Association property, to buy more riverfront vacant land for public parks with riverwalks
- FDOT TIP $1 million grant application in March 2009
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Greenways & Trails, Recreational Trails Program, $250,000; deadline March 2009
GSC Chair Martin encouraged the City, County and MPO to apply to the aforementioned grant opportunities to fund further construction of the Miami River Greenway system generally from east to west.
Mr. Bibeau stated he had recently met with Mr. Badia and Mr. Colin Worth, City of Miami, to create a revised Miami River Greenway map/aerial.
Mr. Bibeau stated he had emailed Mr. Frank Guyamier, FDOT, to respectfully recommend that FDOT remove their chain link fence on the NW side of the Brickell Bridge which is blocking pubic access/connectivity between the publicly accessible riverwalk at the Hyatt from proceeding east to the existing riverwalk beneath the Brickell Bridge and continuing east to the Epic riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau noted staff has been receiving emails from homeowners in support of removing the fence as well, and Ms. Alvarez stated she would follow-up on this request.
B. Private Sector: Mr. Bibeau stated staff is trying to scheduling a meeting with River Oaks Marina & Condominium, located on the river’s south shore, west of the NW 17th Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted the existing site conditions do not reflect the original plans approved by the City which featured a new seawall and a publicly accessible riverwalk.
III. Special Projects -no updates were presented.
IV. New Business -no new items were addressed/discussed.
The meeting adjourned.
February 11, 2009| THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street.
The GSC made self-introductions. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Presentation of Miami-Dade County Public Works Project No. 20070718, GOB for the Master Plan and Design of Miami River Greenways sites - Dr. Martin deferred to Mr. Bibeau to provide a brief overview of the item. Mr. Bibeau reported that in 2003, Miami-Dade County voters approved the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond (GOB) $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item. On behalf of the Miami River Commission, Mr. Bibeau thanked Miami-Dade County for hiring a firm (Kimley Horn & Associates -KHA) to create design and engineering documents for the six identified riverfront parcels requiring riverwalks, owned by the County. Mr. Bibeau stated he and Dr. Martin had recently conducted a site visit of the six parcels with Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Project Manager, and Mr. Luis Cubas, KHA P.E, and thanked the representatives from Miami-Dade County, and their consultants for attending today’s meeting. Dr. Martin welcomed Ms. Moorey, Mr. Cubas, and Ms. Yvette Holt, Holt Communications, Inc., whom distributed a “Miami-Dade County PWD Project No. 20070718” Fact Sheet and site summary aerials/plan and section views of all six parcels. Ms. Moorey provided the following summary:
- Plan was developed as a series of pedestrian and bicycle paths linking parks and neighborhoods on both sides of the Miami River
- Provides the Master Plan and Final Engineering Design to connect six key county-owned parcels to the existing network of greenways, in order to provide a continuous route along the Miami River
- Following design guidelines/principles and waterfront walkway / Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines in the draft Miami 21 zoning code
- Project Locations
- Riverwalk beneath SW 2nd Avenue Bridge on the south shore
- Riverwalk on the south shore at the SE 5th Street Metromover Station, connecting “Brickell on the River” development with the existing walkway
- Riverwalk beneath South Miami Avenue Bridge on the north shore
- Riverwalk on the north shore beneath the Metrorail
- Riverwalk on the south shore beneath the Metrorail
- Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade WASD pump station, connecting to North River Drive
- Project Scope of Improvements
- Construct 15-16 foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian/bicycle-shared-use riverwalk on paver or concrete surface – entire Miami River Greenway 25 feet wide
- Construct seawalls and bulkheads where needed (beneath Metro Rail North and South shores)
- Install bollard lighting at the water’s edge in hardscape or landscape areas
- Install benches and trash receptacles per the Greenway Specs and Design Standards
- Install planters, accent landscaping and decorative lighting
- Install “way-finding” signs on all public access waterfront walks
- Anticipated Proposed Project Schedule
- Master Plan Completion –April 2009
- Design Phase Begins – May 2009
- Design Phase Completion – January 2010
- Project Bid and Award – July 2010
- Construction Begins – August 2010
- Construction Completion – August 2011
- meeting has been scheduled with Miami-Dade County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro on April 16 to brief him on the project; shortly after, meetings will be scheduled with City Commissioners Joe Sanchez, Michelle Spence-Jones and Marc Sarnoff. GSC Chair Martin asked if Mr. Bibeau may attend the meetings, and Mr. Bibeau replied considering the meetings have been scheduled to brief the district commissioners, he would only want to attend if invited by the respective Commissioner’s. Ms. Holt stated she would ask the Commissioners if they would like MRC Director Bibeau to attend their meetings.
Ms. Moorey introduced Mr. Luis Cubas, project P.E., and noted he was available to address any questions/comments. Mr. Cubas stated the designs are consistent with the draft Miami 21 Appendix B regarding waterfront walkways, and he presented the Miami River Greenway site summary aerials/plan and section views:
Site 1: Riverwalk beneath SW 2nd Avenue Bridge on the south shore
- Ms. Moorey requested that the depicted vehicular parking beneath the bridge be removed in order to make the site more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Ms. Moorey stated the bridge tenders may park in adjacent existing parking spots rather than in these planned riverfront Greenway areas.
- Dr. Martin asked for a clarification of “future connection by others”. Mr. Bibeau explained over a year ago the City had indicated they would not grant Latitude on the River a final Certificate of Occupancy until the developer constructs a publicly accessible riverwalk connection to the existing riverwalk beneath the 2nd Ave Bridge consistent with the renditions and plans for the project approved by the City Commission. Mr. Bibeau noted the developer of Latitude on the River submitted to the City two separate plans to improve / make their riverwalk connections on both sides of the site. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvements Department, for an update of the most recently proposed modification, and Mr. Badia noted he would follow-up with the appropriate department.
- GSC Chair Martin recommended “Plan & Section View-Site 1-Concept 1” with the following conditions:
- Removing vehicular parking
- inserting a pet waste station
- inserting way-finding signage
- Connecting to existing Greenway on 6 ST
Site 2: Riverwalk on the south shore at the SE 5th Street Metromover Station, connecting “Brickell on the River” development with the existing walkway
- Mr. Cubas welcomed Mr. Jack Perry, Kimley-Horn & Associates landscape architect, whom reviewed proposed design elements
- Proposed 16-foot-wide riverwalk, color concrete Greenway logo; Mr. Bibeau explained this logo is one of five with particular elements to each neighborhood/location; Mr. Javier Betancourt, Downtown Development Authority, expressed his preference for the “Downtown” logo featured in the site rendition, as this proposed section of the riverwalk is in the Downtown Development Authority district
- Mr. Cubas noted way-finding signage will be incorporated for all sites; Mr. Bibeau noted he would be happy to work with Kimley Horn to develop directions for the way-finding signage in order to identify landmarks/locations (i.e. Miami Circle, Downtown, etc.)
- Mr. Bibeau asked if the existing light poles beneath the 5 ST Metro-Mover Station work, and if not, perhaps Transit could fix them. Mr. Cubas stated he would look into this.
- GSC Chair Martin recommended Plan & Section View-Site 2-Concept 1, with the following conditions
- Inserting a pet waste station
- Inserting way finding signage
Site 3: Riverwalk beneath Miami Avenue Bridge on the north shore
- Mr. Perry stated all elements outlined in the Greenway design guidelines will be reflected (i.e trash receptacles, lighting, benches, trees, etc.) in all proposed site aerials
- Mr. Cubas noted the existing telephone vault box is constricting width of proposed riverwalk, yet noted a previous analysis estimated removal cost at $1 million. Mr. Bibeau asked if the current consultants may verify the previous estimate to remove the underground utility vault box which is an obstruction and not aesthetically pleasing, and Mr. Cubas relied yes. Mr. Bibeau stated if it must stay due to verified high removal costs, it should be beautified with paint, landscaping and perhaps art in public places.
- Mr. Bibeau asked if the parking area could be relocated to the available 200+ garage of the adjacent development WIND, or to the existing MDC PW facility beneath the bridge on the south side of the river, or along 3rd Street, and Ms. Moorey replied yes. Mr. Bibeau distributed a subpart of the City of Miami charter noting that “neither the city nor any of its agencies shall issue building permits for any surface parking or enclosed structures located on Biscayne Bay or the Miami River from its mouth to the NW 5th Street Bridge which are not set back at least 50 feet from the seawall…”
- Mr. Betancourt discussed the following ideas:
1) a written maintenance plan to be submitted by the County – Ms. Moorey replied the County will continue maintaining these County owned public rights of way
2) coordinating with a local Arts in Public Places office to provide artwork along the riverwalk – Ms. Moorey agreed to explore
3) incorporating pet stations along the riverwalk – Ms. Moorey agreed
4) guaranteeing 24 hour access along the riverwalk – Ms. Moorey agreed
5) installing emergency call-boxes for security
6) installing arms on benches – benches will be per Greenway design standards and guidelines which include recommended arms on ends and middle of benches
7) encouraging planting of environmentally-friendly, native species and zero scape – Mr. Perry replied “shade trees” will be oaks and some flowering trees and palms are also included, all consistent with the Miami River Greenway design standards and guidelines
8) expediting construction bid process. Mr. Bibeau stated County Manager Burgess and County Commissioner Carlos Gimenez had expressed their support for adding the Miami River Greenway project to the County’s expedited project list.
- Ms. Marianne Winfield, Marine & Waterways Solutions, asked if porous pavers would be incorporated in the design plans, and Mr. Perry replied he would look into it. Mr. Perry stated the original porous paver materials were generally less aesthetically pleasing, yet they would explore the new generation of porous paver products. Mr. Cubas added that porous pavers work better in runoff areas.
- GSC Chair Martin recommended Plan & Section View-Site 3-Concept 2 with the following conditions:
- Removing depicted vehicular parking
- inserting pet waste station
- insert way-finding signage
- remove all fences
- remove vault obstruction if economically feasible
- paint entire area beneath the bridge
Site 4: Riverwalk on the north shore beneath Metrorail
- Proposes the removal of the seawall barrier and the construction of a new seawall to match future development and address grade change
- Mr. Bibeau asked if Public Works and Kimley Horn were referring to the most current draft Miami 21, and they replied they had the November 2008 version. Mr. Bibeau provided them with the most current January 2009 First Reading version, which defines the minimum 25’ wide Miami River Greenway consisting of 3’ wide transition zone, 3’ wide passive zone, 15-16’ wide circulation zone, 3-4’ wide safety zone.
- Mr. Bibeau respectfully requested that the seawall permit be submitted to DERM, FDEP, the Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Miami as soon as possible in order to meet the proposed riverwalk construction project timeline, and Ms. Moorey replied those would be submitted once the design phase has been completed. GSC Chair Martin stated Director Bibeau made a good point considering the long timeline to secure the various seawall permits.
- Mr. Bibeau noted he preferred the installation of the Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines four-foot pavers versus bricks, as in recent sections of the Greenway constructed by the City of Miami using FDOT grant funding, which provides a smoother riding surface for rollerblading, skateboarding, bicycles, etc, and Mr. Perry stated he would consider that option
- Mr. Bibeau commended Kimley Horn for incorporating flowering trees in their proposed designs and asked which shade trees would be incorporated. Mr. Perry replied oaks and mahoganies of 4-6 inch caliber would be used as shade trees. Mr. Badia noted those are larger than the trees the City originally planted along their sections of the Greenway, which included 3” diameter shade trees. Mr. Bibeau suggested contacting Miami-Dade Transit to help improve the M-Path areas from the planned North Shore Riverwalk to 3rd ST, South Shore planned riverwalk to SW 7 ST and South Shore planned riverwalk beneath metro mover to SE 5 ST.
- GSC Chair Martin recommended Plan & Section View-Site 4-Concept 2 with the following conditions
- inserting pet waste station
- Inserting way-finding signage
- MDT improving M-Path from 3 ST to connect to planned North Shore riverwalk with separate funding source
Site 5: Riverwalk on the south shore beneath Metrorail
- Ms. Moorey stated Public Works is trying to obtain right of-way verification of adjacent development Neo Vertika
- Ms. Moorey clarified this is the first time she is reviewing this 1st draft set of renditions, and currently the County is only planning on constructing the publicly accessible riverwalk sections on the County’s 6 riverfront sites, not on private property
- GSC Chair Martin recommended Plan & Section View - Site 5 - Concept 1 with the following conditions:
- Inserting a pet waste station
- Inserting way-finding signage
- Maintain a 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path / circulation zone within the 25 foot wide Greenway per the City’s Design Specs and Guidelines
- Use 4 foot colored chunks not brick pavers
- MDT provide additional landscaping with additional funding source along publicly accessible M-Path from SW 7 ST to the planned riverwalk on the south shore beneath Metro-Rail
Site 6: Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade WASD pump station, connecting to North River Drive Greenway
- GSC Chair Martin recommended Plan & Section View-Site 6-Concept 2 with the following conditions:
- Insert pet waste station
- Insert way-finding signage
- Replace brick pavers with matching 4 foot colored pavers
- Riverwalk area contained within new fence erected to separate planned riverwalk area from parking lot area which is setback from riverfront per City Charter
GSC Chair Martin thanked Ms. Moorey, Mr. Cubas, Ms. Holt and Mr. Perry for their presentation and kindly asked them to return to the GSC once they have completed 30% of the engineering documents.
II. Miami River Greenway Governance
- Marketing and Promotion: Mr. Bibeau distributed an informational flyer for the free “Bike Miami Days” event, which will be held on Saturday, March 14, 9 am to 3 pm. Mr. Bibeau noted the bike route will include vehicular closures for exclusive bike and pedestrian use along a portion of the Miami River Greenway on North River Drive from SW 1st Street to NW 4th Street, which includes Lummus Park, in addition to S. Miami Ave crossing the River and Flagler from the Miami River Greenway to Bayfront Park. Mr. Bibeau thanked the Honorable Mayor Diaz and City Commission for continuing to include a section of the Miami River Greenway in the monthly Bike Miami Days.
- Volunteer Coordination: Mr. Bibeau noted the next MRC coordinated and sponsored volunteer events are scheduled for April 24 with 80 volunteers from City Year along north shore Miami River Greenway from I-95 to NW 6 Ave including making a new riverfront pocket park, and April 25 with 150 volunteers from Hands on Miami for Global Youth Service Day on the south shore Miami River Greenway from SW 2 Ave to NW 1 ST, including planting grass next to the new unlandscaped portion of the riverwalk in Jose Marti Park.
III. New Development
A. Public Sector- Mr. Bibeau welcomed Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, whom provided an update of the following FDOT funded Miami River Greenway sections with “LAP” agreements.
1) Development of Miami River Greenway beneath and adjacent to the NW 5th Street Bridge- Mr. Badia stated the city is trying to schedule a meeting with FDOT to coordinate efforts in regards to the NW 5th Street Bridge Replacement project.
2) North Spring Garden Greenway Project (B40643A)- Mr. Badia noted environmental clearance has been obtained from FDOT. Mr. Badia stated the project will go through a bid process, and construction will hopefully commence by September 2009 and be completed by September 2010.
3) South Miami Avenue Bridge to Metrorail on the South Shore- Mr. Badia stated the City’s hired engineer is currently scoping out this area. Mr. Badia estimated the City will submit complete construction documents (LAP) to FDOT in 2010, then FDOT will have 6 months for FDOT to approve the construction documents and development estimated to commence in 2011.
Mr. Bibeau asked if the City had made any progress with FP & L regarding installing the planned and funded decorative light poles located along recently constructed sections of “on-road” Greenway (A, B, and C), and Mr. Badia replied the city is expecting FP & L to complete this necessary work by summer 2009.
Mr. Badia noted the city is considering applying to the following funding opportunities in order to construct additional greenway sections:
- Florida Forever
- FIND grants to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway and or riverfront land acquisition for public purposes increasing the publicly accessible riverwalk
- FDOT TIP $1 million grant application in March 2009
IV. Special Projects
- Miami Circle: Mr. Bibeau stated he had received a letter from Mr. Bruce Hall, Project Manager for Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin, inviting him to meet the afternoon of April 2 in order to request his input on the design of the Miami Circle. Mr. Bibeau extended the invitation to GSC Chair Martin. Mr. Betancourt stated the DDA had received a similar letter after requesting a meeting with the Department of State.
- Downtown: Mr. Betancourt thanked the MRC for supporting the DDA’s request to support their recommendation for the MPO to fund and create a Downtown Miami Bicycle / Pedestrian Mobility Plan
V. New Business-no new items were addressed/discussed.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street.
The GSC made self-introductions. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, asked if anyone would like to request any changes/amendments to the February 11, 2009 GSC meeting minutes. Hearing none, the GSC February 11, 2009 meeting minutes were accepted. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed.
Miami River Greenway Governance
- Public Safety/Code Enforcement: Mr. Bibeau noted riverfront residents have been reporting a growing crime problem beneath the 2nd Avenue Bride on the south side, which dead-ends into the dumpster of Latitude on the River (drugs, prostitution, gangs, graffiti, homeless encampments, etc.). Mr. Bibeau stated he recently conducted a site visit with the City of Miami’s Homeless Assistance Center and City of Miami Police Department, whom are being very helpful. Mr. Bibeau noted both entities agreed that it would be helpful for Miami-Dade County to post a sign on their 2nd Ave Bridge. Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, stated he would help look into the ownership of this area which is beneath the County’s 2nd Ave bridge yet on the City’s SW 6 ST.
- Mr. Bibeau noted he had emailed Mr. Anido to request the current / amended landscaping/river walk plans submitted by River Oaks Marina and Condominium, which are currently under review by the city, and Mr. Anido directed Mr. Orlando Toledo of the Building Department to provide him with the requested information.
- Mr. Bibeau reported Ms. Stephanie Grindell, City of Miami Director of Public Works, will begin issuing code violations to East Coast Fisheries for its dilapidated seawall, which will set a precedent for violators along the Miami River.
- Marketing and Promotion: Mr. Bibeau stated the next free “Bike Miami Days” event will be held on Sunday, May 17, 9 am to 2 pm. Mr. Bibeau noted the bike route will include vehicular closures for exclusive bike and pedestrian use along a portion of the Miami River Greenway on North River Drive from SW 1st Street to NW 4th Street, which includes Lummus Park, in addition to S. Miami Ave crossing the River and Flagler from the Miami River Greenway to Bayfront Park. Mr. Bibeau thanked the Honorable Mayor Diaz and City Commission for continuing to include a section of the Miami River Greenway in the monthly Bike Miami Days.
- Volunteer Coordination: Mr. Bibeau noted the next MRC coordinated and sponsored volunteer events are scheduled for May 16 with 50 volunteers from City Year along north shore Miami River Greenway from I-95 to NW 6 Ave, and June 27 with Babson alumni at a yet-to-be determined location.
II. New Development
A. Public Sector- Mr. Bibeau welcomed Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, whom provided an update of the following FDOT funded Miami River Greenway sections with “LAP” agreements.
1) Development of Miami River Greenway beneath and adjacent to the NW 5th Street Bridge- Mr. Badia stated the city met with FDOT to coordinate efforts in regards to the NW 5th Street Bridge Replacement project. Mr. Badia noted FDOT has agreed to widen the sidewalk, from 5 to 8 feet, on the north side of the bridge (along NW 7th Avenue). Mr. Badia added there will be certain areas where FDOT will be unable to achieve the 8th foot width due to right-of-way restrictions. Mr. Badia noted the sidewalk at the Humpback Bridge would be 5 feet. GSC Chair asked when the Humpback Bridge would be re-opened, and Mr. Badia suggested contacting FDOT to obtain that information. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Jeanette Lazo, Public Information Officer for the NW 5th Street Bridge project, would also be a good source to contact.
Mr. Bibeau asked if FDOT had conducted any analysis to determine if the same 8 foot width designation on the north side could be applied to the south, Little Havana side, and Mr. Badia replied that due to right-of-way and property issues, a greenway will not be provided beneath the bridge on the south side- although there will be a tunnel provided for future greenway development. Mr. Badia explained that in order to traverse north from the greenway at the bridge, one has to make three crossings to continue through that intersection (cross 4th Street, then cross 8th Avenue, and cross 4th Street again to get back on the greenway). Mr. Bibeau stated he has been trying to schedule a site visit with FDOT for over a year in order to demonstrate a potential way to avoid this inconvenience while widening the greenway on the south side. Mr. Bibeau encouraged scheduling a site visit with FDOT and Mr. Badia in the near future to discuss the feasibility of widening the greenway, as well as address any property or right-of-way issues. Mr. Bibeau added that if the aforementioned issues are unable to be resolved following this site visit, then at least an attempt will have been made. Mr. Badia stated FDOT plans to re-analyze the crossing issue in order to allow pedestrians to continue along the proposed greenway without having to cross the street three times.
Mr. Bibeau noted there is a connection issue on the north shore, more specifically a 20-foot gap, between the 5th Street Bridge and the actual ending of the existing greenway along 6th avenue. Mr. Badia stated this area will be addressed/taken up as a city project via reimbursable enhancement funds. Mr. Bibeau asked if the city has an executed LAP agreement with FDOT for construction, and Mr. Badia replied no, but noted the city would submit complete construction documents (LAP) to FDOT in the near future. Mr. Badia explained FDOT funding would be used for construction, while city funding would be utilized for design components.
Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County’s Metropolitan Planning Organization recommended to FDOT for three bike / ped projects using federal economic stimulus dollars, and one of the three was $1 million for the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of the City’s requests for Federal economic stimulus funding for sections of the Miami River Greenway. GSC Chair Martin recommended that this item be taken up during the next quarterly Miami River Greenway meeting with Assistant City Manager Bill Anido and city staff, and Mr. Badia also suggested contacting Mr. Jose Gonzalez, City of Miami Assistant Transportation Coordinator, to obtain additional information regarding the potential funding process.
2) North Spring Garden Greenway Project (B40643A) - Mr. Badia stated the Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department will be replacing a water main on the eastern portion of the project site within the next few weeks. Mr. Badia stated the Greenways project will be let in June 2009, hopefully commence construction by September 2009, and be completed by September 2010.
3) South Miami Avenue Bridge to Metrorail on the South Shore - Mr. Badia stated this project is under design. Mr. Bibeau asked if it would be possible to underground utilities in this area, as it is only one block, and Mr. Badia replied this task is a high expense and the city is currently short-funded. Mr. Badia explained the city has decided to hold some funding aside (an estimated $1 million) in case the county does not repair the seawall beneath Metro-Rail, an agreed upon component of the project. Mr. Bibeau noted when the county repairs their aforementioned seawall as already planned and funded, the city will already have an extra $1 million set aside that could potentially be used to underground utilities. Mr. Badia stated he would touch base with the project manager to see if this would be possible.
Mr. Badia stated he had received an email from FP & L indicating they are currently revising their drawings based on as-built documents recently provided by the city and should begin installation of the planned and funded decorative light poles located along recently constructed sections of “on-road” Greenway (A, B, and C along North River Drive from NW 6 Ave to I-95) in 8 weeks.
Mr. Bibeau stated he had emailed a photograph of the once beige-colored greenway in front of the now non-existent East Coast Fisheries building. Mr. Bibeau explained the city had hired a private firm to demolish the East Coast Fisheries building, and during the demolition process, a section of the greenway was damaged. Mr. Bibeau noted that when this section was replaced, they replaced it with the standard grey color-and not the previous matching mesa beige. Mr. Bibeau asked if the standard gray section would be replaced with the original beige color in the future, and Mr. Badia explained that once a project is completed, it is turned over to Public Works, yet agreed to look into this, as CIP will be reviewing the planned FPL installation of the decorative lighting along the greenway, and if necessary the City will add the correct mesa beige color to make it consistent and correct. GSC Chair Martin noted the importance of adhering to proper design specifications, such as those featured in the Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines-which will be adopted as past of Miami 21- in order to avoid future inconsistencies. Mr. Badia stated he continues to provide developers and contractors a one-page summary of Miami River Greenway design specifications (color, size, etc), obtained by the manufacturer.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had emailed Mr. Badia regarding a missing mile marker on North River Drive between Flagler and 1st Street Bridge, and asked if the contractor would insert the intended mile marker before this section is closed out. Mr. Badia replied he would forward this question to CIP.
Mr. Badia provided an update of the following funding opportunities in order to construct additional greenway sections:
- Florida Forever-The Florida Legislature did not include funding in its 2009-2010 budget; Mr. Badia added the City Grants Department would pursue funding in the 2010-2011 cycle;
- FIND grants to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway and or riverfront land acquisition for public purposes increasing the publicly accessible riverwalk. Per the request of Mr. Bibeau, Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, agreed to forward Mr. Badia a list of vacant and unimproved Miami River sites, with associated addresses and folio numbers, for the City to consider negotiating creation of potential passive public parks and/or community garden in order to benefit the public and beautify the Miami River Greenway. GSC Chair Martin noted the Mahi Shrine site, located on the river’s north shore, just east of the NW 17th Avenue Bridge, is currently for sale and could be a potential parcel for a passive park or community garden
- FDOT TEP $1 million grant application- Mr. Bibeau stated the application was not released in March, and may be released soon. GSC Chair Martin noted the importance of designing, funding and creating a greenway from the Metro Mover to the Brickell Bridge. Mr. Bibeau suggested that the city consider applying to this grant to address this gap, and Mr. Badia stated he would forward this recommendation; Mr. Bibeau added the MRC is requesting the State to construct a riverwalk beneath the Brickell Bridge and at the Miami Circle. As Mr. Badia accepted a phone call, GSC Chair Martin and Mr. Bibeau discussed the following parcels: 1)Parcel owned by Miami-Dade County beneath the Metro Mover, which the county has obtained funding for and will be improving existing riverwalk in the near future; 2) Brickell on the River, which has publicly accessible riverwalk; 3) One block from east side of Brickell on the River to Brickell Ave, there are 2 privately owned older buildings: 1) Riverwalk Plaza, which has a 2 story parking garage with no waterfront setback or side yard setback next to Brickell Bridge; and 2) private office building which has sufficient setback but a paved area with fences blocking access on both sides is currently in the waterfront setback area. Therefore concept of on-road Greenway on SE 5 ST for this block to get around existing private obstructions, yet road recently rebuilt with new sidewalks on south side omitting on-road greenway specifications and guidelines. North side of SE 5 ST at Riverwalk Plaza has areas with no setback between sidewalk and parking structure. Two small areas, on the 2nd private office building to the west, has estimated 15’ where there is some room for Miami River Greenway specification and guideline benches, trash receptacle, way finding signage, and landscaping maybe installed, subject to funding
Mr. Bibeau stated the city had asked him for assistance with a Federal Transportation Re-authorization project application as well as his assistance in securing the required Congressional sponsor. Mr. Bibeau noted he had obtained a congressional sponsorship from the Honorable Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and filled out the necessary paperwork prior to the deadline, per the city’s request. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of the city’s application, and Mr. Badia suggested contacting Mr. Gonzalez to obtain information. Mr. Badia noted this grant would fund the area west of NW 12th Avenue
The GSC added the following sections to the Miami River Greenway public sector update list:
4) 5th Street Bridge (Extension) to NW 10th Avenue - City is negotiating design
5) NW 10th Avenue to NW 12th Avenue - City is negotiating design; GSC Chair Martin noted there is a dirt pit on the north side, beneath the NW 12th Avenue Bridge, and narrow sidewalk at NW 11th Street, abutting Merrill-Stevens’ main property. Mr. Bibeau asked if any landscaping could be provided to replace the dirt pit, and Mr. Badia replied there is nothing in the contract that addresses the dirt pit, and added that the contractor has already demobilized. Mr. Bibeau illustrated the current conditions of the NW 12th Avenue Bridge, along the south side. Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT had agreed to provide an on-road greenway beneath the bridge on south river drive, according to the specifications of the Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines, yet instead they reconstructed South River Drive with a standard 5 foot sidewalk and no on-road greenway, and installed a 20-foot wide greenway 50 yards away from the river that is not even accessible, creating a double dead-end into Merrill Stevens and the GSA property. Mr. Badia noted the City plans to connect to South River Drive, per the NW 10th Avenue to NW 12th Avenue project, but would look into this area.
III. Special Projects
- Miami Circle: Mr. Bibeau stated the Department of State has applied for a Class II Special Permit and is scheduled to go before the City’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board for approval on June 2. Mr. Bibeau distributed a copy of the 1st draft rendition/conceptual site plan for the Miami Circle, in which the proposed riverwalk would end 30 yards east of the Brickell Bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC requested that the riverwalk proceed up to the bridge and beneath it. Since then, Mr. Bibeau stated a 2nd draft Miami Circle site plan has been generated, in which the riverwalk is extended up to the bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated there is an existing riverwalk beneath the Brickell Bridge on the north shore. Mr. Badia stated the city may request a maintenance agreement from the State for the riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau noted there is a current funding shortfall, between $250,000-$300,000, to construct the riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Spencer Crowley, FIND, had stated during the MRC’s May 4 meeting that the shortfall could potentially be provided as followed: $50,000 from the City, $50,000 from the County and $25,000 from the DDA. Mr. Bibeau added MRC Chair Buermann had expressed his support on behalf of the South Florida Water Management District to provide $50,000 for the site’s storm water improvements, leaving FIND to fund the remaining shortfall balance. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia if it would be possible for the MRC to be added to the city’s database in order to receive notifications of Class II special permit applications along the Miami River, similar to how the City provides notification to the Brickell Area Association for any Class II Special Permit Applications submitted along Brickell, and Mr. Badia replied he would forward this request to the Planning Department.
- Mr. Bibeau stated he may have found someone interested in donating and installing artwork (professional sculptures) along the on-road greenway. Mr. Badia noted having the donor commit to maintenance of the art in public places would be helpful in obtaining the City’s acceptance of any potential art donations.
IV. New Business- Ms. Marianne Winfield, Smart Growth, congratulated GSC Chair Martin on his incredible work along the Miami River, as well as Mr. Bibeau for his tremendous work with Miami-Dade County public school students during the May 8 free educational Miami River boat tour which she attended.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on June 10, 2008, 2 PM.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Miami River Greenway Governance
- Public and Private Sector Maintenance: Mr. Bibeau noted he had received a series of emails from Spring Garden residents regarding trash/litter on vacant lots located between NW 10th Court and 11th Court on NW 11th Street, east of the proposed Miami River Garden Condominium and a staging site for the NW 12th Avenue Bridge Replacement project. Mr. Bibeau noted the problem spot then expanded to include the area beneath the new NW 12th Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated following completion of the NW 12 Ave Bridge construction portion of the contract, there is a separate, subsequent contract (next phase) for landscaping, and noted it was important to determine what that contract will include. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Ryan Fisher, Florida Department of Transportation, is newly in charge of the maintenance beneath all the FDOT-owned bridges along the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau stated Kiewit, the NW 12th Avenue Bridge contractor, will be transferring the maintenance responsibilities to Mr. Fisher and FDOT within the next week. Mr. Bibeau stated he has scheduled a site visit with Mr. Fisher on June 29. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County Public Works recently performed a clean-up of the shoreline at the pocket park the MRC and volunteers created on County riverfront public right of way on the south side of the river, east of the NW 17th Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated MRC staff is trying to schedule the next Greenways quarterly meeting with Assistant City Manager Bill Anido and city staff.
- Signage: GSC Chair Martin noted one side of the City of Miami’s greenway directional signage in front of José Martí Park’s North West entrance on the Greenway was erased of both graffiti and original intended text. Therefore Mr. Bibeau offered to follow-up with the City of Miami Public Works Department to thank them for removing the graffiti, and inquiring when the intended / original text will be replaced on the currently blank side of the sign.
- Marketing and Promotion: Mr. Bibeau stated he received an article from UIWG Chair Jim Murley which reported that Fort Lauderdale Commissioners had recently agreed to hire a consultant for $300,000 to study means to boost the Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk’s Art and Entertainment District. GSC Chair Martin stated the Miami River should emulate the arts and entertainment quality associated with the Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk to attract people to the area.
- Code Enforcement: Mr. Bibeau noted the continuing crime problem beneath the 2nd Avenue Bride on the south side, which dead-ends into the dumpster of Latitude on the River (drugs, prostitution, gangs, graffiti, etc.).
- Volunteer Coordination: Mr. Bibeau stated staff is expecting to receive a letter/email from the Interim Director of the Miami-Dade Public Housing Agency approving the MRC’s proposed plan to create a small pilot 1st Phase community vegetable and fruit garden along the Miami River Greenway at Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street with volunteers on June 27. GSC Chair Martin noted the elderly residing at Robert King High and different generations of individuals will be able to take advantage of the community garden’s great location and cultivate food together. Mr. Bibeau noted staff is collecting multiple bids for two 4 feet by 11 feet raised planter beds to grow lettuce, tomatoes, onions, a variety of peppers, boniato, malanga, one mamey tree and three mango trees, as well as purchase a composter and rain water barrel. GSC Chair Martin asked if the raised planter beds/plots will be individually tended, similar to the community garden in South Beach, and Mr. Bibeau replied the beds would be maintained as part of a group effort. Mr. Bibeau stated the pilot community garden event will take place on Saturday, June 27, 9 am to noon, Robert King High shoreline, 1407 NW 7 Street.
II. New Development
A. Public Sector - Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, was unable to attend today’s meeting but had emailed the following report:
“NW 5th Street Bridge - We received an response by FDOT regarding the south side of the 5th Street Bridge and the pedestrian street crossing issue (#2). In summary they respond that the present design is the only acceptable design. We are formulating a response to their comment.
City of Miami’s concerns as per email of March 10, 2009 from Hector Badia:
- Insufficient R/W exists to construct Greenway and River walk on the SW side of bridge. Sufficient R/W exists on the SE side but no improvements have been provided. A tunnel crossing under bridge has been included in the bridge Plans but no connections to it from the Greenway are included.
- Pedestrian safety has been compromised. If pedestrian wishes to continue NW or SE on the Greenway (South side of river at 5th St. Bridge). He/She must cross South River Dr. at 3 locations to navigate the intersection of 7th St., South River Dr.
- No improvements have been included on the adjacent parcels of land that FDOT committed to improving. The City conveyed property to FDOT necessary for the construction of the bridge in exchange for the construction of a passive park.
- It is understood why the Greenway/River walk improvements were added to the North side of the bridge and inadequate consideration was given to the south side.
Answers from FDOT:
- FDOT didn’t acquire additional R/W on the South side of the bridge for the purpose to construct Greenway/River walk due to limitation in funds. State funds were just limited to the construction of the bridge. Additional funds to buy R/W for River walk/Greenway wouldn’t have been approved. Improvements on the SE of the bridge were not provided for the same reason stated before.
- See attachment from our Consultant (Ms. Christine Dalickas) for a comprehensive explanation.
- An additional embankment for future passive park was provided along North River Dr. as shown in the Construction Plans. Lack of funds also prevent us to build the whole park.
- Lack of State funds to provide more improvements of it was discussed during the PD&E phase with Jose Gonzalez. (Scope definition)”
Mr. Bibeau stated former construction manager Hector Rodriguez has left FDOT, therefore Mr. Bibeau requested a 5 ST Bridge site visit with his replacement to discuss the pedestrian crossing issue. Mr. Bibeau explained that currently, that in order to traverse north from the South River Drive Greenway at the bridge, one has to make three crossings to continue through that intersection (cross South River Drive, then cross 8th Avenue, then cross 4th Street, then cross South River Drive again to get back on the greenway). Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC would continue to recommend the Greenway proceed beneath the Bridge similar to other Bridges, therefore avoiding this conflict between vehicular and bike / ped traffic.
SW 2nd Avenue Bridge - SW 2nd Avenue Bridge is under the jurisdiction of Miami Dade County. SW 6 Street beneath the Bridge is City of Miami public right of way
North Spring Garden Greenway- North Spring Garden Greenway is finalizing paperwork to go to bid. Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department to install Water Main in the next few weeks.
A. Public Sector: Miami-Dade County
Riverwalk beneath South Miami Avenue Bridge on the North Shore: Mr. Bibeau noted the existing telephone vault box is constricting/obstructing the width of proposed riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau stated Kimley Horn & Associates, whom had been hired by Miami-Dade County to create design and engineering documents for the six identified riverfront parcels requiring riverwalks, had indicated that, based on a previous analysis, the estimated removal cost of the telephone vault box was $1 million. Mr. Bibeau added that Miami-Dade County had noted that they did not have the funding to remove the vault box. Mr. Bibeau noted he had recently conducted a site visit with AT&T representatives whom had indicated they were unaware of the $1 million removal expense, and explained they could not remove the entire vault box, but could at least remove the portion obstructing the riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau stated he is scheduling a site visit with Miami-Dade County Public Works, KHA and AT & T to discuss the matter further. Mr. Bibeau noted the plans for riverwalk beneath South Miami Avenue Bridge on the north shore include bollard lighting every 16 feet. Mr. Bibeau added FIND Chairman Spencer Crowley has encouraged the County to incorporate the blue way in its plans for the six riverfront parcels. Mr. Bibeau noted that of the six riverfront parcels, there are only two areas where a five-foot boardwalk would be feasible: 1) Riverwalk on the north shore at the Miami-Dade WASD pump station, connecting to the North River Drive Greenway and 2) the Riverwalk on the north shore beneath the Metrorail.
Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Crowley had indicated the City of Miami should apply in April 2010 to a FIND grant. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Crowley had expressed his support of the City’s application if they are able to obtain a 50/50 cost share to purchase vacant land on the Miami River to create a riverwalk or public green spaces (potential sites of interest: East Coast Fisheries, Reflections on the River, CIMA. etc.) GSC Chair Martin stated it was pertinent to firstly apply this funding to riverwalk gaps to the east. Mr. Bibeau noted the City could also apply to FDOT’s TEP $1 million grant. Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT funding could be utilized to construct a riverwalk from the Miami Circle, beneath the Brickell Bridge and proceed all the way to the Metro Mover Station, and FIND could contribute matching dollars. Mr. Bibeau noted the City needs to secure necessary permits and matching dollars prior to submitting their FIND application. Mr. Bibeau noted this item should be discussed at the next Greenways quarterly meeting.
Mr. Bibeau stated MRC Chairman Eric Buermann is engaged in trying to get Miami-Dade County to apply for a Land Use and Zoning Change at the WASD Pump Station, which is required for the City of Miami to issue the permit allowing the WASD to stripe and open the existing vacant parking lot to the public.
Mr. Bibeau stated MRC Chairman Buermann has directed staff to create a catalogue / check list of riverfront issues along the Miami River that need to be addressed, and MRC board member Jay Carmichael will be working with staff to identify these issues. Mr. Bibeau noted one of the items on the list is the riverfront, specifically the missing riverwalk at “Cima” on the north shore immediately west of the South Miami Ave Bridge and the overflowing dumpsters and parking on unimproved riverfront surfaces on the vacant site to the west of the Big Fish restaurant.
B. Private Sector - Mr. Bibeau noted the developers of Latitude on the River and Mr. Dick Bunnell, Bunnell Foundation, Inc., will be stopping by the MRC office on Monday, June 15, 9:30 am, to show their revised plans to connect their riverwalk beneath the 2nd Avenue Bridge.
Mr. Bibeau noted staff had received the current drawings for River Oaks Marina and Condominium, of which 50% of where the riverwalk used to be has fallen into the river. Mr. Bibeau noted the drawings indicate “existing seawall…do not touch/damage.” Mr. Bibeau noted he had been contacted by the developers to arrange a meeting between their architect and MRC staff, but had yet to follow-up. Mr. Bibeau stated the City has indicated they would not issue a temporary certificate of occupancy until the seawall has been constructed.
III. Special Projects
- Miami Circle: Mr. Bibeau stated the City of Miami had obtained approval from the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board and Miami-Dade County’s Shoreline Development Review Committee for the Phase I improvements and may or may not have an executed Class II permit. Mr. Bibeau noted the State has hired a local firm to construct the riverwalk, and is currently analyzing costs. Mr. Bibeau stated he had a positive meeting with FDOT and Mr. Crowley regarding the concept of extending the riverwalk beneath the Brickell Bridge and providing parking beneath the bridge as well. Mr. Bibeau stated he had also attended a public meeting on June 3 hosted by the Historical Museum of South Florida.
- Lummus Park: Mr. Bibeau reported that thanks to the leadership of Miami City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones, the City of Miami has appropriated $300,000 to complete the boardwalk at Lummus Landing. Mr. Bibeau noted the project manager is Hector Badia, whom had indicated that the City will hire a consultant to create construction engineering documents. Mr. Bibeau noted he had mentioned to Mr. Badia that the city already has construction engineering documents from 2002, and the city had also extended their submerged land lease agreement with FDEP. Therefore, Mr. Bibeau stated he did not understand why the city is hiring a consultant instead of simply finishing the boardwalk in Lummus Landing. GSC Chair Martin explained that perhaps the consultant is being hired to update the design plans. Mr. Bibeau added that Commissioner Spence-Jones is very engaged and supportive of creating a “Fisherman’s Wharf” at Lummus Landing with a Bahamian style, and will continue to track this progress. The Fisherman’s Wharf in Lummus Park is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan Policy PR 1.5.4 - 1.5.5 and the City’s “Miami Riverside” plan. Mr. Bibeau noted New Times had recently voted Commissioner Spence-Jones the best local politician in 2009 in its Best of Miami edition.
- Mr. Bibeau stated the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce recently held its Goals Conference and their former Chair endorsed the concept of enhancing the baywalk and riverwalk by including significant sculptures and art in public places. Mr. Bibeau stated The Trust for Public Land continues their efforts to donate artwork to the City, yet the City is requiring TPL and or the artist to provide the installation and maintenance in perpetuity. The former GMCC Chair noted perhaps Miami-Dade County’s Art in Public Places could provide the maintenance.
- Mr. Bibeau reported the Brickell Area Association became aware of the MRC’s efforts to transform vacant blighted sights into green spaces, and asked him to provide an update at their next meeting as part of the agenda item “Brickell River Park”
IV. New Business- Next GSC meeting on July 15, 2009, 2 PM. The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, June 12, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. |
I. Miami River Greenway Governance
- Volunteer Coordination: Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami River Commission’s publicly scheduled September 14 meeting, noon, Robert King High New Boardroom, 1407 NW 7 Street, will feature a PowerPoint presentation of recent volunteer events beautifying the Miami River Greenway held on June 27, July 25, August 10 and August 29, all after the MRC’s last meeting in June. MRC Chair Eric Buermann will be presenting plaques of appreciation to the participating volunteers from the University of Miami, Hands on Miami, Peace Corps, and Babson College and sponsors. On behalf of the MRC, Mr. Bibeau expressed his gratitude towards Ms. Patty Harris, MRC, whom provided the volunteers with lessons on proper planting techniques before planting, and future maintenance plans on behalf of Treemendous Miami at the June 27 volunteer event in which the MRC-with the help of local master gardener Jon Rodgers, local organizations and volunteers-created the first ever vegetable and fruit garden along the Miami River at Robert King High for the residents and the public to cultivate healthy, fresh, organic food at no charge.
Mr. Bibeau announced the following upcoming volunteer Miami River Greenway beautification events:
- Saturday, August 29: MRC is partnering with the University of Miami for “Freshmen Orientation Day” to create a mural depicting marine life beneath the Flagler Street Bridge, as well as planting 124 plants, removing litter and debris, and spreading mulch made of recycled wood palettes along the south shore of the Miami River Greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 1st Street.
Ms. Harris asked what kinds of plants would be planted by the volunteers, and Mr. Bibeau replied the City of Miami- under the guidance of professional landscape architects-selected a variety of plants and trees, such as the schefflera arboricola trinette, to plant along the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau explained that historically, the MRC and its volunteers have replenished/replanted any schefflera arboricola trinettes that may have been run over or have died due to various reasons in order to maintain consistency with the adjacent plants in the area. Recently, however, Mr. Bibeau reported that MRC staff had received an email from Madelyn Mateo, Friends of the Everglades, whom noted that the schefflera arboricola trinette, although not on the prohibited list, is not a Florida native plant. Mr. Bibeau stated he asked for them to email the MRC a list of Florida native plants, which he then forwarded to the City’s project manager for a future section of the Miami River Greenway, so they may consider incorporating the Friends of the Everglades suggested native plants in future greenway designs. Mr. Bibeau noted the Friends of the Everglades did not suggest removing the schefflera arboricola trinettes that are already in place. Mr. Bibeau added he had also forwarded the Florida native plant list to the MRC’s in-kind professional landscape architect from EDAW whom streamlined the original list and provided his input. Ms. Harris reviewed a list of EDAW’s recommended plants and suggested planting the following in the future along the Miami River Greenway which would grow favorably and are easy to maintain: Wild Coffee (psychotria nervosa), Simpson Stopper (myrcianthes fragrans) and White Indigoberry (randia aculeate).
- September 26: UM National Gandhi Day of Service. Location: North River Drive, from I-95 to NW 3rd Street; activities include clean-up of on-road greenway and painting a mural beneath the Flagler Street Bridge and 1st Street Bridge
- September 29: at Robert King High, 175 volunteers in partnership with Disney and Hands on Miami; shoreline clean-up along Miami River Greenway, doubling size of existing community vegetable and fruit garden, painting a mural, painting gazebo and outdoor covered walkway areas, re-painting / re-opening 8 existing shuffle board courts
- October 24: at Robert King High, partnering with Florida International University to work on Community Vegetable and Fruit garden and or site to be determined
- October 31: Hurricanes Help the Hometown; location to be determined
II. New Development - Updates were deferred to the following month.
III. Special Projects
- Designation of the Miami River Greenway as a Part of the East Coast Greenway: Mr. Bibeau noted the East Coast Greenway Alliance-a Rhode Island-based non-profit organization spearheading the development of a 3,000-mile trail system from Canada to Key West, while linking all the major cities along the eastern seaboard- wishes to partner with the Miami River Commission to designate a portion of the Miami River Greenway along the following proposed route (illustrated by Mr. Bibeau on a Miami River Map): connect the southern terminus of the baywalk at Bayfront Park to the Hotel Intercontinental Hotel, head west to connect to the start of the Miami River Greenway on the river’s north shore at One Miami and continuing west to the South Miami Avenue Bridge (along existing riverwalks at Epic, beneath the Brickell Bridge, past the Hyatt, James L. Knight Convention Center, River Park Hotel, Bijan’s Seafood Restaurant, the historic Flagler Workers House, Fort Dallas Park, beneath the Metro Mover at the Riverwalk station and past One Riverview Square). The route would then proceed over the South Miami Avenue Bridge (to river’s south shore) and follow the sidewalk on the street one block west to intersect with the M-Path before continuing south. Mr. Bibeau noted he had informed the East Coast Greenway Alliance of the MRC’s two-step process, which involves firstly obtaining a recommendation from the Subcommittee Chair regarding the presented concept-in this case the Greenways Subcommittee Chair Ernie Martin, which is then forwarded to the full Miami River Commission board whom would then vote to create the MRC’s advisory recommendation regarding the East Coast Greenway Alliance’s suggestion / offer to designate the aforementioned section of the Miami River Greenway as a portion of the East Coast Greenway. If approved by the MRC, Mr. Bibeau noted staff would complete and submit the requested East Coast Greenway Trail Designation application and Trail Management Information, and the East Coast Greenway Alliance would render a decision to designate the proposed Miami River Greenway path on November 7 and 8. Mr. Bibeau noted this item has been placed on the MRC’s September 14, 2009 public meeting agenda, noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, and is expecting either Mr. Eric Weiss, Trail Program Coordinator, or Mr. Herb Hiller, to make a presentation. Dr. Martin noted this proposed route would be a crucial link to get from the baywalk to the M-Path. Ms. Patty Harris, MRC, asked if directional and historical signage would be included along the proposed route, and Mr. Bibeau replied he believed so. Mr. Marianne Winfield, Sustainable Solutions, asked if lighting would be incorporated, and Mr. Bibeau replied that existing greenway sections do have lighting. Mr. Bibeau added that Miami-Dade County, in partnership with Miami-Dade Transit, are renovating the entire 25-year-old M Path, thanks to economic stimulus dollars, and will hopefully address lighting. Ms. Winfield stated she viewed the potential designation as a wonderful opportunity to attract more people to the greenway, and Dr. Martin added that the greenway is a great alternative for transportation. Dr. Martin noted the MRC will render a strictly advisory recommendation regarding the proposed designation on September 14, and therefore asked if the City of Miami would serve as the entity completing the required East Coast Greenway designation documentation, since they are legally responsible to maintain city-owned portions of the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau stated he had explained to the East Coast Greenway Alliance that 1) the MRC does not own nor is legally responsible to maintain the greenway; and 2) the MRC advocates on behalf of the Miami River Greenway in a non-binding advisory capacity, provides volunteer beautification events along the Miami River Greenway, coordinates the annual Miami Riverday festival along the Miami River Greenway; to which the East Coast Greenway Alliance again asked the MRC to submit the requested documentation. The GSC recommended the Miami River Commission endorse the proposed designation of the small portion of the Miami River Greenway as part of the East Coast Greenway.
- Review of the New Draft Department of State, Department of Management Services, the Historical Museum of Southern Florida and Glatting Jackson Miami Circle Master Plan: Mr. Bibeau noted Phase I of the Miami Circle Master Plan was presented to the Miami River Commission, and prior to that the National Park Service Study and Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Mr. Bibeau noted Phase I is anticipated to be completed no later than Spring 2010. Mr. Bibeau noted Phase I of the Miami Circle Master Plan includes construction of a publicly accessible riverwalk (with lighting, historic markers, landscaping, trees, benches, trash receptacles, etc.) at a maximum potential price of $750,000. Mr. Bibeau noted the original Phase I plans depicted a riverwalk stopping estimated 30 yards east of the Brickell Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC requested that the riverwalk be extended beneath the Brickell Bridge to continue west along the river’s south shore, and the Department of State had agreed to extend the riverwalk up to the bridge’s east side, subject to available funding. Mr. Bibeau noted there is currently estimated $600,000 available from the Florida Inland Navigation District and the Department of State for Phase I. Mr. Bibeau added the Department of State has hired a contractor whom is currently seeking bids for Phase I of the project. As they have yet to receive any bids, they are unsure of the total cost of Phase I. Mr. Bibeau explained that in a perfect scenario, the bids would come in at less than $600,000, and no additional money would be needed to construct a riverwalk up to the bridge for Phase I. If however the bids come in at $600,000 or more, than the additional $150,000 needed ($750,000 from original estimate - $600,000) could potentially be provided by the South Florida Water Management District, Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami ($50,000 each) as recommended by the MRC during their June 1, 2009 public meeting. Dr. Martin asked when the bids are expected to be received, and Mr. Bibeau replied he thought they would have been received by the Miami Circle groundbreaking ceremony, but to no avail. Dr. Martin stated it would be nice to provide the MRC board with a current update of the bid process and project timeline, as well as schematics of Phases I and II of the Miami Circle Master Plan. Mr. Bibeau reported Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan was unveiled during a recent public meeting hosted by the Historical Museum of Southern Florida (HMSF). Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the “Bridge Element” site plan/rendering of Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan, created by Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin. Mr. Bibeau noted the “Bridge Element” is an elevated pedestrian staircase proceeding in an east/west direction from the Brickell Bridge and connecting to a steel staircase which heads down towards the Miami Circle site. Mr. Bibeau noted the staircase does not appear to be ADA-compliant, nor is it bicycle-friendly. Mr. Bibeau explained the 2-3 story structure created by the staircase beneath the bridge would include a concession area for the HMSF to sell merchandise, food and beverages, as well as a restroom. Mr. Bibeau noted the HMSF had given the impression that both these elements would only be open to the public when the HMSF was providing paid tours of the Miami Circle. In an effort to clarify any potential misconceptions, Mr. Bibeau stated he had emailed Mr. Robert McCammon, Director of the HMSF, and asked for clarification as to when the bathroom would be open to the public, to which Mr. McCammon replied that he had “no idea” as to when the facility would be open. Mr. Bibeau stated the Secretary of State is requesting from the Legislature next session $2.5 million for the taxpayers to build Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan. Mr. Bibeau reminded the GSC of the MRC’s previous position of preserving the ancient, sacred green space of the Miami Circle, and have any accessories (i.e. restrooms, concession stands, parking, etc.) tucked beneath the bridge as reflected in the MRC’s April 6, 2009 meeting minutes. Mr. Bibeau noted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had recently agreed to vacate the storage area beneath the Brickell Bridge in FDOT public right of way and lease that space, essentially free of charge, to the City of Miami. Mr. Bibeau therefore proposed that the area beneath the Brickell Bridge could incorporate parking in partnership with the Miami Parking Authority, the riverwalk extension proceeding beneath the bridge to the west, restrooms and “portable” concession stands, which would save the tax payers millions of dollars from having to build the proposed walkway/staircase structure for a restroom facility and concession area. Mr. Bibeau added it may also prove to be a difficult task for the HMSF-who already has a museum located miles away in downtown and is potentially considering building another new facility in Bicentennial -to provide staff that would maintain and operate the proposed concession and restroom facility on a daily basis, as well as during paid historical tours. Mr. Bibeau noted that once FDOT vacates their storage beneath the Brickell Bridge and a lease is issued to the City of Miami, they would need funding to conduct improvements beneath the bridge. Mr. Bibeau reiterated that if the bids come in at $600,000, than the MRC could recommend the extra $150,000-that would potentially be provided by the South Florida Water Management District, Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami at $50,000 each, be used to fund improvements beneath the Brickell Bridge; subsequently, the Miami River stakeholders could apply to a FIND grant in an effort to extend the riverwalk beneath the Brickell Bridge and continue to the west in order to connect the Capital Grille and the Customs Building with the existing riverwalk at Brickell on the River. Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of a second rendition for Phase II in which the current green space at the Miami Circle site (at least 1/3) has become an “Interpretive Element,” which includes a roofed structure with a “sandbox” or educational center for the kids to uncover buried artifacts following the historical tour, as well as a replica of the Brickell Trading Post, in which the artifacts are stored. Ms. Harris drew attention to several sanitation issues involving the children’s interaction with the sandbox. Dr. Martin stated he believed the HMSF will not begin conducting public meetings or hearings to solicit public input regarding the conceptual plan until the money is in hand or allocated, and therefore it may be premature for the MRC to render an advisory recommendation at this time regarding Phase II. Dr. Martin expressed support of Mr. Bibeau’s suggestion of utilizing the area beneath the Brickell Bridge for parking, portable concession stands and restroom facilities, as well as the MRC’s previous positions, and agreed to forward this information to the MRC for further discussion.
The GSC welcomed Mr. Robert McCammon, Director of the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, and noted the MRC continues to monitor the progress of the Miami Circle Master Plan. Mr. McCammon reported that the distributed Phase II concept plan/rendition is still preliminary. Mr. McCammon noted a good response from the public in regards to the recent Miami Circle groundbreaking ceremony as over 200+ people were in attendance. Mr. McCammon noted the HMSF is in the process of obtaining permits for Phase I of the Miami Circle project, and is still in planning stages for the final master plan. Mr. McCammon noted the distributed concept plans (i.e. “Bridge Element” & “Interpretive Element”) represent the “directional areas” the HMSF would like to go, but are still performing a lot of work to fine tune those ideas. Mr. McCammon stated Secretary of State Kurt Browning, whom participated in the Miami Circle groundbreaking ceremony, is recommending the release of funds to build the master plan’s phase II elements on the site. Dr. Martin asked if there was a timeframe for the bidding process, and Mr. McCammon replied that the HMSF firstly needed to address a Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM)-related issue involving a sewer line (addressing stormwater run-off) prior to construction. Mr. McCammon added a general “master” contractor was selected to conduct the bidding process for Phase I and essentially manage the project, and they would then sub-contract individual components to additional contractors. Dr. Martin asked if there would be a public meeting or hearing to solicit input regarding Phase II once the plan nears completion, and Mr. McCammon replied he was not sure. Mr. McCammon noted archeological research is currently being conducted to determine what kinds of trees existed at the Miami Circle site, so that the HMSF can develop consistency with the ancient burial site. Mr. McCammon noted the HMSF is unsure if the site will have a restroom facility or a pedestrian bridge for that matter, as it may disturb the archaeological site. Mr. McCammon added these elements aren’t necessarily a main priority, as much as the creation of a park is. Mr. Bibeau noted this information contradicts the information/renderings depicted to date that were provided to the MRC, and Mr. McCammon replied that the HMSF provided the public with the only information they currently had. Mr. Bibeau asked if the City of Miami has designated the site as historic, and Mr. McCammon replied no, but the federal government has designated it as a historical landmark (of a total 1600 sites). Mr. Bibeau asked if Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan would need to be presented to the City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board for a Certificate of appropriateness for Phase II, and Mr. McCammon replied he continues to keep Ms. Ellen Uggicionni, HEP, informed of the Circle’s progress, and had “no idea” if it needs to go before the board. Dr. Martin thanked Mr. McCammon for attending and addressing any questions the GSC had. Mr. Bibeau invited Mr. McCammon to the MRC’s September 14 meeting, in which an update of the Miami Circle would be provided and thanked Mr. McCammon for his input.
IV. New Business-
- Ms. Patty Harris, past president of Treemendous Miami, provided an overview of Treemendous Miami, a non-profit organization dedicated to working with volunteers to plant, protect and preserve trees within Miami-Dade County; especially at the homes of the disabled and the elderly; has been involved in DERM’s Adopt-A-Tree program for 9 years, and is now looking for another partnership opportunity. To date, Treemendous has planted over 1,000 trees, and would like to help beautify the Miami River; know how to educate and has a vast volunteer base; excited about potential to partner with MRC; Mr. Bibeau thanked Ms. Harris and Treemendous board members for participating in a recent free school boat tour of the Miami River, and noted he would like to accept her generous offer to provide volunteers to help beautify the Miami River. Ms. Harris stated Treemendous plans to reach out to green organizations and corporate sponsors to help fund future educational volunteer events and purchase equipment. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC has sufficient money available to conduct the previously discussed volunteer events along the Miami River Greenway, and would be happy to mention Treemendous in the press releases for the respective events they would like to participate in by teaching the often young student volunteers appropriate planting techniques prior to planting the trees and plants provided for the volunteer Miami River Greenway beautification event. Mr. Bibeau stated there are numerous large vacant parcels along the Miami River, some of which are foreclosed, that could potentially become park or garden sites, and perhaps the MRC can partner with Treemendous on a land acquisition grant in an effort to acquire such parcels. If these large vacant riverfront sites are acquired, then they would have significant costs associated with park-like improvements of trees, landscaping, dirt, sod, etc. Ms. Harris noted Treemendous would like to partner with the MRC on all types of projects. Dr. Martin noted Treemendous Miami has a great reputation and looks forward to partnering with them in the near future.
- Mr. Bibeau stated the Honorable Mayor Diaz had submitted a request for economic stimulus dollars for the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau stated that since that time, the Federal Register released a way (pages 28,755 -28,757) in which the City of Miami could obtain the funding necessary to complete the Miami River Greenway, and it is called the Department of Transportation’s “TIGER Grant.” Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami has agreed to apply to this grant to request the remaining money needed to finish the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau added the City of Miami has requested the MRC’s assistance in applying to the federal grant, which is due on September 15, and obtaining various letters of support, therefore the City asked for a draft from MRC staff by August 27. Mr. Bibeau noted the grant does not require a match; it is essentially free money that does not need to be paid back, but the project needs to be completed by 2012. The GSC expressed their excitement and thanked the City and MRC staff for their efforts.
The next GSC meeting is on October 14, 2009, 2 PM at 1407 NW 7 ST. The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 2:00 PM, Robert King High classroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. |
I. Review of 60% Complete Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents-GSC Chair Martin welcomed Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Project Manager, and Mr. Luis Cubas, Kimley Horn & Associates (KHA), P.E, for attending today’s meeting. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted MRC staff has distributed copies of the GSC March 11, 2009 meeting minutes, which he noted was the last meeting Ms. Moorey and Mr. Cubas attended regarding this item. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Moorey had provided him with the 60% complete Miami River Greenways Construction Engineering documents, and Dr. Martin agreed to look on and review the following proposed parcels/sites:
- Site 1: Riverwalk beneath SW 2nd Avenue Bridge on the south shore (page 5)
- Mr. Cubas noted KHA provided the plans to Miami-Dade County, whom then forwarded them to agencies/organizations, such as the Miami River Commission, for comments
- Ms. Moorey noted the current plan for this parcel does not show a connection to Latitude on the River as the County is waiting to receive Latitude’s new plans to match with their revised rendition; Ms. Moorey noted she had recently spoken to the seawall contractor Mr. Richard Bunnell, whom indicated he would touch base with the developers of Latitude regarding their plans to improve their riverwalk connection by addressing elevation and layout issues; Mr. Bibeau reported that since the last GSC meeting, the County had met with Latitude to discuss the aforementioned 16-inch difference in elevation between Latitude’s riverwalk and the county-owned connector beneath the SW 2nd Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted a compromise was reached between the two in which Latitude had agreed to lower their riverwalk by 8 inches while the county agreed to raise their riverwalk by 8 inches, thereby allowing the riverwalks to meet at the same elevation and Ms. Moorey concurred. Mr. Bibeau noted he copied Ms. Moorey on an e-mail to the Latitude developer in which he noted the previously agreed upon aforementioned compromise and noted the County was awaiting to receive their plans.
- Dr. Martin noted this parcel coincides with the City of Miami’s greenway segment G
- Dr. Martin asked how the bridge tender parking issue was resolved, and Ms. Moorey noted the county would like to provide a few existing parking spots on the adjacent SW 6 ST for free Bridge tender parking. Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami, recommended contacting Luis Chorter of the Miami Parking Authority (MPA) to obtain more information. Mr. Bibeau noted the MPA had placed a sign at the Flagler Bridge / Miami River Greenway on North River Drive indicating a reserved free parking space closest to the bridge for the bridge tender, and asked if a similar sign could be placed at this parcel. Ms. Moorey agreed to contact the MPA to look into this possibility
- Mr. Bibeau reported in 2003, Miami-Dade County voters approved the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond (GOB) $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item, and asked for a financial estimate of the 6 County owned parcels thus far. Mr. Cubas and Ms. Moorey stated $500,000 is the estimate needed for design and $3 million for the complete construction of the Miami River Greenway at the six sites. Chairman Martin stated the County should therefore perhaps utilize any potential leftover funding to construct riverwalks at additional county-owned sections along the Miami River such as: along NW along South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center (Mr. Bibeau illustrated the proposed route on a map) and proceeding around Palmer Lake, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST, in case Merrill-Stevens is unable to obtain funding for their expansion project, which has been placed on hold. Mr. Badia suggested the County consider planting larger trees. Mr. Bibeau and Mr. Badia noted the two aforementioned future County owned Miami River Greenway sites are included in the City’s Federal TIGER Grant application, of which the US Department of Transportation has $1.5 billion available for $57.5 billion in submitted grant applications from every State in the US. The TIGER grant awards are expected to be announced in February 2010.
- Mr. Bibeau asked if the proposed trees to be planted would be native, and Mr. Cubas replied that regrettably the landscape architect was unable to attend today’s meeting, but the plans do indicate the planting of native trees and no irrigation.
2. Site 2: Riverwalk on the south shore at the SE 5th Street Metro Mover Station, connecting “Brickell on the River” publicly accessible riverwalk with the existing public walkway beneath the Metro-Mover (page 31)
- Ms. Moorey noted bollard lighting, pet waste stations (indicated as #8 on legend) and pedestrian directional/way-finding signage (indicated as #9 on legend), trees, landscaping, etc. have been incorporated
- Mr. Bibeau noted #6 on the legend indicates a bike rack, but a bike rack is not shown on the plans. Ms. Cubas and Ms. Moorey state on all sites everything listed on the legend will be provided, and any missing locations on the plans will be inserted prior to the 90% complete stage of these construction documents
3. Site 3: Riverwalk beneath Miami Avenue Bridge on the north shore (page 32)
- At the March 11, 2009 GSC meeting, Mr. Cubas noted the existing AT & T telephone vault was constricting the width of the proposed riverwalk, yet the estimated removal cost of $1 million-which had been mentioned in the March 11, 2009 GSC meeting minutes-was not an accurate reflection; MRC staff agreed to make this clarification
- Ms. Moorey stated plans for this parcel have been submitted to AT & T and a site visit occurred where AT&T agreed to remove the portion of the utility vault closest to the proposed riverwalk pathway; Miami-Dade County has arranged a meeting with all utility companies in November including discussion of the removal of a portion of this underground utility vault box
- Mr. Bibeau noted #6 on the legend indicates a bike rack, but a bike rack is not shown on the plans – Moorey and Cubas stated it would be inserted
- Ms. Moorey stated she had received verbal confirmation from the adjacent development WIND regarding potentially allowing the county to relocate 3-4 parking spaces to WIND’s 200+ parking garage; Ms. Moorey stated that though she had been told that the building manager of WIND had not expressed any objection to this concept, she has yet to receive any written confirmation
- Mr. Bibeau noted this parcel will connect to the existing riverwalk at One Riverview Square, as well as the future riverwalk at CIMA
- Dr. Martin noted he did not see any emergency call boxes in the legend
- Mr. Bibeau noted #10 on the legend indicates small directional information sign, but this is not shown on the plans. Mr. Cubas noted that this component still needs to be developed. Ms. Moorey stated that a pedestrian directional sign (indicated as #9 on the legend and map) has been incorporated
- According to the legend, and per the request of the GSC, benches and trash receptacles and pet waste stations have been incorporated
- Mr. Bibeau asked if Yazi has been subcontracted, similar to past projects, to create the signs, and Mr. Cubas replied no. Mr. Bibeau asked if the county has Yazi’s sign specifications and guidelines, which are included in the City of Miami’s Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines. Mr. Badia stated he would send Mr. Cubas and Ms. Moorey samples of the greenway specifications and guidelines for kiosks, bulletin boards, way-finding signage, etc. Dr. Martin noted these guidelines are necessary to establish consistency. Mr. Bibeau recommended utilizing porcelain enamel coating (similar to the Greenway historic markers) for the proposed directional/way-finding signage, from which he noted is easier to remove graffiti while not removing the text from the signs
- Ms. Moorey noted that integral color-coated bands of dyed concrete for the riverwalk would be incorporated; Dr. Martin noted this is an interesting, yet not functional feature, as he envisioned the different color-coated elements providing a directional/way-finding path for pedestrians
4. Site 4: Riverwalk on the north shore beneath Metrorail (pages 20 and 33)
- Ms. Moorey noted the 20-foot parcel/easement immediately adjacent to and on the northwest side of the Metro Rail is owned by Key Miami River West (the same owners as MINT). Ms. Moorey explained the County needs to make a transition/connection to the neighboring FP&L property via Key Miami River West providing this easement to the City of Miami; Ms. Moorey added the county is missing the legal description of this easement, and Mr. Badia stated he would try to obtain this information from the appropriate city department and provide it to Ms. Moorey. Ms. Moorey noted she had met with FP & L to discuss the transition to their property as well as address elevation issues. Ms. Moorey noted Miami-Dade County had agreed to re-do their elevation at the county-owned property (Metro Rail) in order to tie into the FP &L site; Ms. Moorey noted she had submitted the plans to FP&L and Key Miami River West, but has yet to hear back from the owner. Mr. Bibeau and Mr. Badia offered their assistance in reaching out to the property owner.
- Mr. Bibeau noted MINT has been constructed and it seems as though progress is being made regarding the construction of their riverwalk. Mr. Badia noted he believed the city would possibly withhold their Temporary Certificate of Occupancy until the publicly accessible riverwalk has been constructed
- Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami charter requires at least a 50 foot setback from the seawall for buildings or enclosed structures located along the Miami River, and Miami 21 requires a publicly accessible riverwalk on this type of parcel
- Mr. Bibeau noted #9 on the legend indicates a pedestrian directional information sign, but this is not shown on the plans. Mr. Cubas noted that this component will need to be developed and inserted. In addition. Mr. Bibeau noted #6 on the legend indicates a bike rack, but a bike rack is not shown on the plan, which will be inserted
- Mr. Bibeau noted this area represents one of three easements he would like to address during today’s meeting. The second easement is located on the southwest side of the Metrorail (Neo Vertika) and the third easement is located on the southeast side of the MetroRail (day care) (Site 5)
- Mr. Bibeau asked if a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) would be executed between the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County once the aforementioned easements have been secured by the City, and Ms. Moorey replied yes. Mr. Bibeau noted the executed JPA would allow the county to use their funding to construct riverwalks in these areas-both on county property and current private property at no cost to the private property owners-and asked for a timeline of when the JPA would be presented before the City and County Commission for approval. Ms. Moorey replied the JPA should be executed by March 2010, which is prior to construction.
- Ms. Moorey noted the riverwalk would be constructed on these easements by Miami-Dade County but would be maintained by the City of Miami. Chairman Martin recommended since the County is providing maintenance of their riverwalk sections on County owned sites, the same maintenance crew should maintain the private easements secured by the City of Miami, rather than the City sending another crew to the same area to work in small public easements.
- Mr. Bibeau noted that perhaps the County would be logistically better suited to maintain this small portion of the riverwalk (easement of the NW side of the Metro Rail), as they own and maintain the adjacent property, instead of having the City of Miami dispatch a Public Works crew for only a 20-foot parcel. Ms. Moorey replied that the County needs to review the legal description of the easement before this item can be discussed further
- Ms. Moorey stated they would like to re-engage Miami-Dade Transit regarding making needed improvements to the M-Path from the adjacent 3 ST to the riverwalk area in site 4
5. Site 5: Riverwalk on the south shore beneath Metrorail (page 21)
- Ms. Moorey explained that in order for the County to construct the seawall to connect to Neo Vertika, the city will need to secure the easement on the southwest side of the Metro Rail from Neo, specifically, the Neo Vertika Condo Association. Similarly, a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) would be executed between the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County once this easement has been secured, so that the county could build a continuous seawall in this area
- Mr. Bibeau noted Neo Vertika has been cited by the city for an improper seawall. Mr. Bibeau added he was informed Neo Vertika has an open code violation and lack of funds to repair the seawall
- Mr. Badia noted there is currently a dispute (litigation) between the developer and the Condo Association regarding the seawall, specifically its repair and future maintenance, but believed providing the easement to the city would help address this problem as the County would be fully funding the needed seawall repairs; Dr. Martin concurred that this is a good solution for all parties; Mr. Badia recommended having a meeting between Miami-Dade County Public Works and the Condo Association in order to resolve this ongoing issue
- Mr. Bibeau asked if the County would consider maintaining this portion/easement as well
- Ms. Moorey noted the aforementioned easement areas are included in the 60% construction documents
- Dr. Martin suggesting meeting with Assistant City Manager Bill Anido to discuss this matter. Mr. Badia mentioned Mr. Anido is currently also serving as the Acting Director of the City of Miami Public Works Department
- The GSC discussed the third and final easement on the southeast side of the Metro Rail (day care facility); Mr. Bibeau noted he had a copy of the executed Class II Special Permit which required a publicly accessible riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau explained that over half a year ago the proposed child day care center had agreed to remove two parking spots and pull back/relocate fence in order to create the executed Class II Permit’s publicly accessible 13.8 foot wide riverwalk; Mr. Bibeau noted Assistant City Manager Bill Anido stated he would contact the owners and their attorneys regarding this issue. Mr. Bibeau asked if this easement/parcel was located in the 60% design submittal, and Ms. Moorey replied no. Dr. Martin noted the subject parcels were previously owned by Marge Brickell and leased to the Hurskowitz brothers. Dr. Martin added that the passing of Ms. Brickell may have impacted the current status of the property and the site may now be owned by a Trust. Mr. Badia noted this issue still needs to be resolved; Mr. Bibeau asked if the County could start designing this area so that it can be included in the 90% design submittal, and Ms. Moorey replied yes
6. Site 6: Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade WASD pump station, connecting to North River Drive Greenway
- Ms. Moorey stated she had submitted the design plans to the Water & Sewer Department Deputy Director Yoder, whom had indicated that Mr. Dean Mealey, WASD, would be contacting her to discuss the proposed riverwalk and how it would potentially affect the proposed parking lot area at the WASD-owned pump station, but thus far she has not heard back from him. Mr. Bibeau speculated that the proposed riverwalk path would not impact the proposed parking area
- Mr. Cubas discussed elevation issues (the elevation of this parcel will need to be raised in order to match the elevation of Lummus Park per the City Parks Department request), as well as drainage and runoff issues, specifically the concern that runoff will collect at the retaining walls. Mr. Bibeau noted WASD currently has stormwater drainage at their parking lot.
- Mr. Badia stated the City has funded completing the construction of a boardwalk at Lummus Landing. Mr. Bibeau urged the completion of the boardwalk, since pilings have already been installed, which are currently prohibiting vessels from docking along the seawall and accessing the park. Mr. Bibeau added the pilings were installed to support the construction of the riverwalk, for which the City extended their FDEP submerged land lease. Mr. Badia added that the on-road/street portion cutting through Lummus Park will be re-constructed to match the Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines.
- Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department Deputy Director Yoder recently estimated 105 days away the existing vacant WASD-owned parking lot be striped, install meters, open the fence and allow public paid parking; consisting of 60 days away from it being presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and then the Miami Parking Authority estimates 45 days to stripe the lot, install meters, and open the fences; replacing existing drainage would create additional delays and increase the project costs; Ms. Moorey suggested raising the elevation of the parking lot to have it drain/flow into the street; Mr. Cubas noted he would contact DERM to address the drainage issue, and Mr. Bibeau suggested also touching base with Mr. Doug Yoder, WASD; The attendees discussed other options such as new drainage systems along the Riverwalk, splitting the 3 foot greenway elevation between the City in Lummus Park and the County’s WASD site, having the City adjust the three foot grade difference entirely within Lummus Park, etc. Dr. Martin noted the parking lot is crucial to accommodate the clientele and economic viability of the two adjacent restaurants, Casablanca and Garcia’s, whom are currently parking on the on-road greenway.
Mr. Bibeau stated he and the County had exchanged emails regarding potentially constructing 5-foot cantilevered boardwalks at two of the six county-owned sites which have sufficient distance away from the Federal Navigable Channel. Mr. Bibeau noted site 6 is one if the proposed areas for the boardwalk, which would extend and Connect with the planned boardwalk the City has funded and a fully executed FDEP submerged land lease for in Lummus Park, and Ms. Moorey commented that the County would not be able to maintain the aforementioned docks. Mr. Bibeau noted he had a solution to one of the two sites of which the reason why the County has not included it in the 60% drawings is unwillingness to maintain the potential boardwalks. Mr. Bibeau explained that Mr. Luis Garcia, owner of Garcia’s, is willing to enter into a formal agreement with Miami-Dade County and proffer/assume maintenance in perpetuity of the 5-foot cantilevered boardwalk at his cost. Ms. Moorey noted this option needs to be discussed further. In addition, Bibeau proposed a 5-foot cantilevered boardwalk on the north side of the Metro Rail (site 4) which would be maintained by the County, and Ms. Moorey replied she would also need to discuss this possibility with her department head.
Ms. Moorey and Mr. Cubas made a one month extension to the project’s estimated timeline as indicated in the March 11, 2009 GSC meeting minutes and the new estimated timeline is:
- Design Phase Completion - February 2010
- Project Bid and Award - August 2010
- Construction Begins - September 2010
- Construction Completed – September 2011
On behalf of the MRC, Greenways Chair Dr. Martin thanked the County for their efforts.
II) Miami River Greenway Governance -This item was deferred.
III) New Development - Mr. Badia provided the status on the City’s construction of the following Miami River Greenway sections:
Section D (East Little Havana Greenway) – South River Drive from 5th Street bridge to NW 1 ST- 90% construction documents submittals will be completed by next week and maybe presented at the GSC’s November meeting; Mr. Badia noted Mr. Manny Mejido had replaced Mr. Ricardo Castro as project manager; 100% construction documents estimated for completion in December 2010; bidding process is expected to commence in July 2010; Construction estimated to commence by October 2010. Mr. Bibeau stated he had conducted a site visit with Mr. Castro of a couple of pocket parks created by the MRC in the hopes of the city recognizing and incorporating them as a part of the greenway (the first is an AT&T parcel located where SW 1 Street dead-ends into the river, and the second is a WASD-owned parcel where SW 2nd Street dead ends into the River. Mr. Bibeau suggested installing benches and trash receptacles at these parcels. Mr. Badia asked if there are any easements and or maintenance agreements with these parcels, and Mr. Bibeau replied that no agreements have been provided in writing. Mr. Badia stated Easements and or maintenance agreements would be required for these existing riverfront publicly accessible pocket parks along the planned and funded route of the Miami River Greenway, before the sites may be included in the project.
Mr. Badia noted the 2nd extension on NW South River Drive will proceed from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 7th Street, and then the third section will be from NW 7 ST around the City of Miami GSA building onto NW South River Drive, which proceeds beneath the 12th Avenue Bridge. Mr. Badia noted this extension is in the preliminary 20% design phase, and would provide a timeline for the projects at the next GSC meeting.
Mr. Badia noted the City of Miami had qualified to receive $800,000 from FDOT for certain “shovel ready” greenway sections, using some Federal Economic Stimulus funding. Mr. Badia confirmed that the greenway portion on the south side of the Miami River, from Metro-Rail to the South Miami Avenue Bridge had already been awarded a $1 million FDOT grant which will now be supplemented by new additional federal economic stimulus funding being provided by FDOT. Mr. Badia stated he would confirm the exact amount of funding to be provided at the next GSC meeting. Mr. Badia noted this area must be designed and built by February 2010, and need to have 60% complete design plans by the end of 2010. Mr. Badia noted that the plans are currently 20% complete, and they would consider undergrounding utilities.
Mr. Badia added that an additional greenway segment has been proposed in the Health District to connect to NW 12th Avenue. The GSC agreed to conduct a site visit of the completed 12th Avenue Bridge (i.e. sidewalk constructed by FDOT beneath the bridge) following today’s meeting to identify future greenway connectivity.
North Spring Garden Greenway Project - Mr. Badia reported he had met with the residents of Spring Garden regarding the trees requiring removal and or relocation. Mr. Badia added he is scheduling another site visit with them and the project’s landscape architect to discuss the matter further. Mr. Badia a resident presented an idea to relocate a few of the trees onto their adjacent private property. Mr. Badia stated the trees are also permitted to be relocated to public property/right-of-way, perhaps to the City’s Spring Garden Point Park which would keep then in the same riverfront neighborhood. Mr. Badia noted the project will result in a significant net increase of trees.
Mr. Badia stated the City is awaiting receipt from FDOT of the description and exact location / dimensions of the additional ROW needed to complete the Miami River Greenway route beneath the NW 5 ST Bridge on the Little Havana Side. This would provide a safer route than having to cross four streets to continue along the Miami River Greenway on road route along South River Drive.
The Greenways subcommittee thanked Mr. Badia and the City of Miami for their continued efforts to complete implementation of the adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan.
IV) Special Projects - This item was deferred.
V) New Business - Mr. Badia stated the TIGER grant was submitted by the City of Miami on September 15, 2009 to request the remaining money needed to finish the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin noted the grant process was very competitive. Mr. Bibeau added that $1.5 billion is available, yet $57 billion was requested by over 1,400 applicants.
The meeting adjourned. |
October 14, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 3:00 PM, Robert King High classroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. Dr. Martin asked if anyone would like to request any changes to the August 25, 2009 GSC meeting minutes. Hearing none, the GSC August 25, 2009 meeting minutes were accepted |
I) Miami River Greenway Governance -This item was deferred.
II) New Development - Dr. Martin citied the following update provided by Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, during the GSC October 14, 2009 meeting:
- “Section D (East Little Havana Greenway) – South River Drive from 5th Street Bridge to NW 1 ST- 90% construction documents submittals will be completed by next week and maybe presented at the GSC’s November meeting.” Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to invite Mr. Badia to the December GSC meeting to present the 90% completed construction documents as well as an estimated timeline for construction completion.
- “Mr. Badia noted the 2nd extension on NW South River Drive will proceed from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 7th Street, and then the third section will be from NW 7 ST around the City of Miami GSA building onto NW South River Drive, which proceeds beneath the 12th Avenue Bridge. Mr. Badia noted this extension is in the preliminary 20% design phase, and would provide a timeline for the projects at the next GSC meeting.” Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to invite Mr. Badia to the December GSC meeting to present the 20% completed construction documents and timeline.
- “Mr. Badia noted the City of Miami had qualified to receive $800,000 from FDOT for certain “shovel ready” greenway sections, using some Federal Economic Stimulus funding. Mr. Badia confirmed that the greenway portion on the south side of the Miami River, from Metro-Rail to the South Miami Avenue Bridge had already been awarded a $1 million FDOT grant which will now be supplemented by new additional federal economic stimulus funding being provided by FDOT. Mr. Badia stated he would confirm the exact amount of funding to be provided at the next GSC meeting.” Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to request from Mr. Badia the exact amount of funding.
- “North Spring Garden Greenway Project-Mr. Badia reported he had met with the residents of Spring Garden regarding the trees requiring removal and or relocation. Mr. Badia added he is scheduling another site visit with them and the project’s landscape architect to discuss the matter further.” Dr. Martin asked MRC staff to request from Mr. Badia the status of the appeal for the trees in Spring Garden.
NW 5th Street Bridge - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, reported he had recently spoken to Mr. Jose Gonzalez, City of Miami Transportation Coordinator, whom had indicated he would be contacting Ms. Alice Bravo, Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Director of Transportation Systems Development, soon to request a meeting-under the appropriate protocol-to discuss the Greenway hopefully proceeding beneath the NW 5th Street Bridge, which would be safer than the current plan on the Little Havana side which forces pedestrians and bikes using the Miami River Greenway to cross 4 vehicular streets. Mr. Bibeau added Mr. Mario Cabrera, FDOT South Miami Dade Resident Engineer, would be invited to this meeting.
III) Special Projects- This item was deferred.
IV) New Business- The following items were presented:
- Mr. Bibeau reported that the scope of work for a Downtown Miami Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan was approved at the recent Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Governing Board meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) took the lead in proposing the idea to the MPO, whom has agreed to fund the plan at a cost of $60,000. Dr. Martin asked if this plan is different from the approved City of Miami Bike Master Plan, and Mr. Bibeau replied he believed the Downtown Miami Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan is more detailed and concentrated within the DDA boundary, and will again include finishing the Miami River Greenway within the DDA boundary.
- Mr. Bibeau reported MRC staff had reviewed the plans/surveys recently submitted by Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez, The Trust for Public Land (TPL), of the mosaic tile benches and sculpture TPL wishes to install on the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau stated he recently emailed Mr. Rodriguez notifying him that although TPL has been discussing installation in Lummus Landing, the construction documents / surveys TPL recently provided depict the proposed installations on previously constructed section of on-road greenway on North River Drive in front of the Water & Sewer Department Pump Station between NW 4th Street and NW 3rd Street. Mr. Bibeau stated the proposed location may require the removal of existing trees and plants on the Miami River Greenway in order to make room for the proposed mosaic bench. Mr. Rodriguez is yet to reply to the email; therefore MRC staff is unsure if TPL is proposing to install the mosaic benches and sculpture in Lummus Landing as verbally stated, or on the On-road Greenway between NW 3 and NW 4 ST as depicted in the provided construction documents / surveys, which do not depict any installations in Lummus Landing.
- Mr. Bibeau distributed a Miami Herald article, “South Florida Hazardous for Pedestrians” which reported that Dangerous by Design, a study produced by the Surface Transportation Policy Partnership and Transportation for America, ranked the Miami-Dade/Broward region as the third most dangerous in the Country for pedestrians.
- As reported at the Miami River Commission November 9, 2009 meeting, “To date, 3.25 miles of the planned 10-mile Miami River Greenway has been constructed, using $26.1 million from 5 non-federal funding sources: $7.5 million from a Miami-Dade County Bond issue, $6.1 million from a City of Miami Bond Issue, (both approved by the public at referendum), $8 million from the Florida Department of Transportation, $1 million from the Florida Inland Navigation District, and $3.5 million from the private sector. The Miami River Greenway has fully funded and 90% complete construction documents estimated to complete .87 miles of new greenway sections to be constructed in 2010, and 1.01 additional miles to be constructed in 2011, leaving an estimated 4.87 miles of greenway still needing funding, design and construction.” Mr. Bibeau added the $40 million TIGER grant-if awarded-would fund the design and construction of the aforementioned remaining greenway sections
The Greenways Subcommittee confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, December 9, 2009.
The meeting adjourned
November 11, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Friday, November 13, 2009, 1:30 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. Dr. Martin commended MRC staff for their great work on the distributed draft GSC October 14, 2009 meeting minutes, which were accepted. |
I. Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Bibeau provided an update regarding Miami-Dade County’s efforts to use the $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the GOB Bond Issue approved by the voters at referendum. Mr. Bibeau stated after Miami-Dade County presented their hired engineer’s 60% complete schematic drawings of 6 County owned sites where Greenway connectors are needed to extend existing sections of the publicly accessible Miami River Greenway, the County realized that on two of the sites a small portion of the depicted riverwalk connectors are located on private property, and County bond issues cannot be utilized on private property. Since then, the two riverfront private property owners indicated they are willing to donate the small slivers of private property to Miami Dade County, so the County may construct the riverwalks as designed and fully funded by the County GOB line item. Since then, two County Public Works representatives have indicated they are not willing to accept the proffered donations of small needed riverfront private property required to connect and extend the riverwalk, because County Public Works is not willing to accept the future maintenance of the additional rights of way. The two sites in questions are immediately adjacent to the existing County public right of way on both shores beneath Metro-Rail. Currently Miami-Dade Transit pays Miami-Dade Public Works which pays a contractor to maintain the County’s existing public right of way beneath Metro-Rail. The plans for the additional small area on the south shore is a seawall and sidewalk which would require minimal additional maintenance, and on the north shore is a seawall, sidewalk and minimal landscaping, which would have minimal additional costs, estimated at less than $1,500 per year. GSC Chairman Martin recommended the County accept the generous proffered donations of free small riverfront parcels and associated minimal maintenance needed in order to construct the publicly accessible riverwalk connectors as previously presented by the County in various public meetings.
Mr. Bibeau indicated In November Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department provided the following updated, extended, estimated timeline to execute the agreement between the County and Miami Parking Authority, as required prior to stripping the existing parking lot on North River Drive and NW 3 ST, removing the fences, and installing meters for paid public parking:
- December – County finishes revisions to 1st draft agreement
- 1st Friday in January – WASD places drafted agreement on County Subcommittee agenda
- February – MDC Subcommittee considers agreement
- March – April – Board of County Commissioners considers agreement
To date the revised draft agreement has not been completed by Miami-Dade County and provided to the Miami Parking Authority. Mr. Bibeau noted there is a framed large picture hung in the SFWMD Miami-Dade regional service of the subject area circa 1990’s, showing the subject existing WASD North River Drive parking lot with existing drainage, stripped parking spots, and completely open to the public without any fencing around it.
- New Development – Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, stated two Marine Industrial business owners on South River Drive between 5 - 7 ST are concerned about potential negative impacts by the proposed on-street Greenway of which the City’s hired engineering firm has created 20% complete construction engineering documents. The concerns are based on limiting access to the sites for trailered boats and trucks, and reductions in on street parking. Dr. Bohnsack and the property owners previously discussed their concerns with MRC Director Bibeau and the owners would support the aforementioned section of the Miami River Greenway with the following minor accommodations:
- Widen the first 2 existing driveways to the west of 5 ST, and widen 2nd two driveways east of NW 7 ST
- Non-greenway upland side of South River Drive from NW 5 ST – NW 7 ST provide on street parking without bulb-outs
- Maximize street and minimize Greenway in small area between 5 ST Bridge and 1st two driveways to the east
- No on street parking reductions on NW 4 ST, NW 5 ST and NW 6 ST
GSC Chair Martin recommended the City incorporate the aforementioned minor accommodations to minimize the impact of the Miami River Greenway on the existing marine industrial businesses on South River Drive from NW 5 to NW 7 ST.
Chairman Martin reported he recently met with FDOT and the City of Miami regarding the Miami River Greenway on the East Little Havana Side of the 5 ST Bridge. Currently the unacceptable Miami River Greenway route on the Little Havana side of the 5 ST Bridge, which is nearing completion, forces the pedestrian and bicyclist to cross 3 vehicular streets, although FDOT never informed the MRC of this when they presented the 5 ST Bridge plans in July 2006 and January 2009. Although there is sufficient room for the Miami River Greenway to avoid vehicular traffic via proceeding beneath the Bridge, and an estimated 75% of the necessary public right of way for the recommended and safer route beneath the bridge which avoids crossing 4 vehicular streets, there is 555 square feet of additional needed Right of Way. The Miami River Greenway currently proceeds beneath both sides of numerous FDOT bridges, Flagler, 1 ST, etc. The private property owner of the additional 555 square feet needed to complete the beneath Bridge Greenway route is potentially willing to trade the needed area for a portion of the area FDOT eminent domain from him a few years ago. The FDOT project manager indicated since the 5 ST Bridge is nearing completion they will construct the Greenway on all recommended areas where they currently own the land, including beneath the Bridge, and the City agreed if the remaining 555 square feet is obtained they would complete the route back to South River Drive. Until the additional needed 555 square feet of land is secured and constructed, the section FDOT constructs as part of their current contract will be partially fenced off and closed to the public prior to the dead end, yet the fences would be removed and become publicly accessible when the needed connection is completed.
Mr. Bibeau presented a copy of the following December 4 email, of which he is awaiting a reply:
“Dear Mr. Baker and Mr. Badia:
Today the City of Miami Parks Special Events staff provided MRC staff with a copy of the 5/22/09, “Lummus Landing Site Development Plan” (hand drawn sketch), because the 14th Annual free Miami Riverday will be held there on April 10, 2010. The aforementioned plan is not totally consistent with the previously provided City of Miami’s “Lummus Landing B-3286, CIP No 322064” construction engineering documents created by MSA / CRDS. The newer Plan sketch depicts a 15 foot wide unobstructed “Riverwalk”, yet the future marked tree plantings are only setback 5 feet from the shoreline, and the executed FDEP submerged Land Lease only allows a 5 foot wide cantilevered boardwalk. Therefore, if the trees are planted as marked with only a 5 foot setback from the river, how is the new Plan’s depicted unobstructed 15’wide riverwalk feasible? In addition, please be so kind to reply confirmation of our understanding from previous emails that prior to the 4/10/10 Riverday only the Plan’s trees will be planted, and the Plan’s remaining concrete promenades, benches, and 2 gazebos are planned for a 2nd Phase after 4/10/10, so that we may layout Riverday activities, booths, etc accurately.
THANKS and have a nice weekend
Brett Bibeau
Managing Director,
Miami River Commission”
Mr. Bibeau thanked MRC Chairman Buermann for writing letters to members of the Dade Congressional Delegation asking for their support of the City’s submitted and pending TIGER grant application for sufficient funding to complete the Miami River Greenway.
Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC’s successful efforts to implement the Miami River Greenway Action Plan were the subject of numerous posted blog messages on skyscrapercity.com
Mr. Bibeau presented the following email chain:
“From: Anido, Bill [mailto:banido@miamigov.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:53 AM
To: 'brett bibeau'; Toledo, Orlando
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Orlando: was the installation of the gate a condition of the TCO? Please see me.
Bill Anido, Assistant City Manager
City of Miami
444 S.W. 2nd Ave.
Miami, Fl. 33130
Email: banido@miamigov.com
Office: 305 416 1027
From: brett bibeau [mailto:miamiriver1@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:58 AM
To: Anido, Bill
Subject: FW: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Dear Mr. Anido:
Considering our site visit estimated half year ago, did the City require Terrazas to install the gate prior to issuing the TCO 10 days ago?
THX again and Happy Holidays
Brett Bibeau
From: brett bibeau [mailto:miamiriver1@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 9:26 AM
To: 'Burkeen, Ernest'; 'Anido, Bill'
Cc: 'Anido, Bill'; 'Perez, Maria'; 'Blanco, Edward'; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Its my understanding that the City already locks and unlocks the existing Sewell Park gate on South River Drive, therefore during the same visit with the same staff it would only take another minute to lock and unlock this second gate.
THX for your time and assistance.
Happy Holidays
Brett Bibeau
From: Burkeen, Ernest [mailto:EBurkeen@miamigov.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 9:18 AM
To: brett bibeau; Anido, Bill
Cc: Anido, Bill; Perez, Maria; Blanco, Edward; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Thank you for the info. We will be challenged to provide a gate and personnel to lock and unlock the gate daily given the recent reductions this Department has experienced. However we will explore the possibilities and get back to you.
From: brett bibeau [mailto:miamiriver1@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:23 AM
To: Burkeen, Ernest
Cc: Anido, Bill; Perez, Maria; Blanco, Edward; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Dear Mr. Burkeen:
Per your request, the Miami River Greenway, both holistically and specific to this site, were approved as highlighted in the following documents:
- Miami River Greenway Action Plan – unanimously adopted by the City Commission in 2001 – The City of Miami has invested over $5 million thus far to implement the adopted Plan and this is a simple inexpensive gate to allow public access between Sewell Park and a new section of the Greenway constructed by the developers of Terrazas Riverpark Village
- City of Miami’s adopted Parks Master Plan, “A Vision for Miami’s 21st Century Parks and Public Spaces” which states, “Complete Riverwalk access and remove existing barriers” such as the subject fence.
- Attached Miami River Commission’s March 16, 2004 Urban Infill Working Group public meeting minutes, agenda item I, pages 1-6, with specific reference to installing the subject gate in the Sewell Park fence.
- Attached Miami River Commission’s April 5, 2004 public meeting minutes, agenda item II, pages 2-5, with specific reference to installing the subject gate in the Sewell Park fence
- Terrazas River Park Village Plans page LA-4 shows the “View from Sewell Park” without a fence blocking the publicly accessible riverwalk
- City Commission July 22, 2004 minutes for PZ 23 approval of the Terrazas Riverpark Village MUSP with following excerpts:
- Page 136, “Direction to the City Manager by Commissioner Gonzalez to earmark funds generated by impact fees from this project to benefit the infrastructure of the area neighborhood”
- Page 136, Lucia Dougherty, (project attorney) “The impact fees alone will be $1,173,000 which both the applicant and the neighbors hope that we can use in the district itself”
- Page 140, Jaime Schapiro (project architect), “There’s also a strong connection with the park and also a pedestrian link that goes from the street to the river, as well has a tremendous physical and visual connection. The promenade – the riverfront promenade has been designed and is the connection with the rest of the riverfront system.”
- Page 141, Lucia Dougherty, “That’s a very important point. This is part of your river walk and the Greenway Plan. We do have a publicly accessible walk – river walk in front of the building and do comply with the Greenway Plan”
- Page 150, Lucia Dougherty, “You’re going to have a full time open and accessible river walk that will connect to Sewell Park”
- Page 152, Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, “I think a project like this is going to benefit the park. It’s going to help – you know, it’s going to be more people going to the park, especially having the river walk.”
Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Brett Bibeau
Managing Director,
Miami River Commission
From: Burkeen, Ernest [mailto:EBurkeen@miamigov.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 2:37 PM
To: brett bibeau
Cc: Anido, Bill; Perez, Maria; Blanco, Edward; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Thank you for the info however I am looking to locate a written document that indicates the Departments participation. Do you think it was a part of the discussion when it was approved? If so we could search the records through the Clerk’s office. Do you recall what year this took place? Thanks…
From: brett bibeau [mailto:miamiriver1@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 10:49 AM
To: Burkeen, Ernest
Cc: Anido, Bill; Perez, Maria; Blanco, Edward; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: RE: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Hi Director Burkeen:
Yes, when the Terrazas River Park Village development was approved it included a publicly accessible riverwalk, which would be accessed by the public via a gate in the Sewell Park riverfront fence which would be open during park hours so that the public may walk along the riverfront from Sewell Park and continue along the almost completed riverwalk at Terrazas River Park Village. Mr. Anido conducted a site visit there with me about 6 months ago, and is aware of this history.
Thanks for your time and assistance.
Happy Holidays.
Brett Bibeau
Managing Director,
Miami River Commission
From: Burkeen, Ernest [mailto:EBurkeen@miamigov.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 9:53 AM
To: brett bibeau
Cc: Anido, Bill; Perez, Maria; Blanco, Edward
Subject: FW: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Hi Mr. Bibeau I have read your email and I have a question, is there an existing agreement with the Department to provide a gate at that site. Neither Ed Blanco or Maria Perez can recall the discussions and I am hopeful you might have some insight on this subject. Thank you.
From: Anido, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 3:49 PM
To: 'miamiriver1@bellsouth.net'; Burkeen, Ernest
Subject: Re: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Ernest: ?
This communication may contain confidential and/or otherwise proprietary material and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.
From: brett bibeau
To: Anido, Bill; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Sent: Wed Dec 02 13:41:46 2009
Subject: FW: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
From: brett bibeau [mailto:miamiriver1@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 2:30 PM
To: 'Anido, Bill'; 'Ernest Martin (Comcast)'
Subject: Attached Terrazas Riverwalk
Hi Mr. Anido:
PLS see attached pic of the almost completed publicly accessible riverwalk at Terrazas Riverpark Village. When will Parks Department insert gate in fence to be open and connect Sewell Park to the new riverwalk during Park Hours, and close the gate when park closes?
THX and have a nice day.
Brett Bibeau”
III) Special Projects- This item was deferred.
IV) New Business- The following items were presented:
The Greenways Subcommittee confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST
The meeting adjourned. |
December 9, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 3:00 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. GSC Chair Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting, and the attendance sheet is enclosed. The GSC’s previously distributed draft November 13, 2009 meeting minutes were accepted |
C/O Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |